By Gary Motykie, MD
The facelift is a complex plastic surgery procedure that should only be performed by an expert and fully trained surgeon. The patient, on their part, should take the necessary steps to prepare for their facelift surgery consultation. This will ensure that the patient can take the best decision about going ahead with facelift.
Dr. Gary Motykie is a leading cosmetic surgeon with extensive training and experience in performing facelift and various other procedures. Dr. Motykie provides facelift surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.
Preparing Details
Prior to the first consultation for facelift plastic surgery, the patient should carefully assess their personal aesthetic goals and needs. It is important to communicate these needs clearly during the appointment so that the surgeon can make appropriate recommendations and plans. The patient should also note down the details of their past or existing medical conditions, previous surgeries if any, and known drug allergies.
If the patient has been taking any specific medications, they should list out the names and dosages accurately. The list should also include any vitamin and herbal supplements. The patient should also be forthcoming about any history of tobacco, alcohol, or drug abuse. The surgeon will maintain confidentiality of information, but it is critically important to make the surgeon aware of all such sensitive information.
Surgeon’s Initial Steps
During the facelift consultation, the cosmetic surgeon will typically do the following:
- Assess the patient’s general health condition and any pre-existing medical issues or risk factors
- Examine and measure the face and neck
- Explain various facelift surgery options
- Take photographs
- Suggest the most plausible surgical and non-surgical options
- Discuss the expected results
- Inform the potential risks and complications
- Discuss the type of anesthesia that may be used
The patient should actively engage with the surgeon during the first consultation in order to make the best decisions in their own favor. They should not hesitate to ask any questions and clarify all doubts and concerns at the outset. A dedicated surgeon will address all questions at length and to the full satisfaction of the patient. Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas.
Familiarizing with Medical Terms
The candidate should ideally familiarize themselves with a few basic medical terms related to facelift surgery. This will make them better equipped to discuss issues during the consultation.
- Rhytidectomy: Clinical name for facelift surgery.
- General Anesthesia: Drugs or gases applied prior to a facelift to alter consciousness for a completely painless surgery.
- Local Anesthesia: Drug injected directly to the incision site to numb the area for total patient comfort.
- Jowls: A jaw line that sags into the neck, typically due to weak muscle tone in the lower face.
- Nasolabial Folds: Creases and folds between the nose and cheek.
- Tear Trough: Hollows below the lower eyelids.
The patient should ideally prepare a detailed list of questions to ask during the facelift consultation in order to make an informed decision.
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