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    Subglandular vs. Submuscular Breast Implant Placement

    Subglandular vs. Submuscular Breast Implant Placement

    Subglandular vs. Submuscular Breast Implant Placement | Beverly HillsBreast augmentation is a popular choice for many women wishing to enhance their figure, boost their confidence, or reconstruct their bodies after a mastectomy. However, the procedure isn’t as simple as choosing a size and moving forward. The placement of the implant – whether subglandular (over the muscle) or submuscular (under the muscle) – plays a significant role in the overall results and recovery. In this blog post, we will delve into these two types of breast implant placements and the pros and cons of each. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie performs breast augmentation for patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.

    Subglandular and Submuscular Breast Implant Placement

    Diving deeper into the world of breast augmentation, we come across two crucial terms – subglandular and submuscular. These terms might sound like medical jargon, but they essentially refer to the different positions a breast implant can be placed in relation to your chest muscles. In a subglandular placement, the surgeon positions the implant in the space between your breast tissue and the chest muscle. Picture it like a sandwich with the implant being the filling, your chest muscle being the bread on one side and your breast tissue being the bread on the other.

    On the flip side, we have the submuscular placement. As the name suggests, here, the implant is tucked beneath your pectoral muscle, sort of like tucking a love letter into a book – safely nestled and hidden away.

    Choosing between the two methods isn’t a random pick. It’s a decision based on multiple factors such as your body type, lifestyle, and what you personally prefer. Your plastic surgeon can guide you through the process, explaining how each choice might play out in your specific case. Whether you prefer the less invasive subglandular method or the submuscular placement for its discreet positioning, the choice ultimately lies with you. The aim is to ensure you’re comfortable, informed, and confident in your decision. After all, breast augmentation is not just about enhancing your appearance, but also about boosting your self-confidence and improving your overall quality of life.

    Pros and Cons of Subglandular Placement

    Stepping into the arena of subglandular implant placement, let’s unearth the plus points and potential downsides. The appeal of this method often lies in the lesser pain quotient during recovery as the chest muscle is left untouched. It also nudges ahead in the race due to a speedier procedure time and quicker recovery phase. For women with substantial existing breast tissue, the subglandular method might lend a more natural-looking contour.

    However, don’t rush into decision making just yet. It’s crucial to contemplate the possible caveats too. With subglandular placement, there’s a marginally increased chance of rippling becoming visible and the implant making its presence more obvious. An important point to note is that this placement could also slightly complicate mammogram results compared to the submuscular option.

    To make an informed choice, weigh these pros and cons against your personal preferences, lifestyle and desired outcome. Remember, the key is to prioritize your comfort, peace of mind, and ultimate satisfaction with the results.

    Pros and Cons of Submuscular Placement

    Journeying into the realm of submuscular breast implant placement, it’s time to unveil both the boons and the banes. Submuscular placement shines in the spotlight for a couple of compelling reasons. It tends to result in less visible rippling, reducing concerns about the implant’s outline showing through. Additionally, it lowers the risk of capsular contracture, an uncomfortable condition where the scar tissue that forms around the implant tightens and hardens. Importantly, for the health-conscious out there, this method typically causes fewer obstacles in mammogram imaging.

    Yet, every coin has two sides, and submuscular placement is no exception. The recovery process could be a tad more tedious, and yes, a bit more painful. Why, you ask? This method involves lifting the pectoral muscle to place the implant, necessitating a bit more downtime for healing. You may also notice a slight distortion of the implant when you flex your chest muscles. However, this effect generally diminishes over time as your body adjusts to the new implant.

    With this understanding of the pros and cons, you’re one step closer to making an informed decision about which implant placement aligns best with your personal goals and lifestyle. Remember, every choice in your breast augmentation journey is about achieving a result that enhances not only your physical appearance but also your self-esteem and comfort. So, give it the thought it deserves, and don’t hesitate to ask your surgeon all your burning questions. After all, it’s not just about a procedure; it’s about crafting a new chapter in your life’s story.

    Factors to Consider When Choosing Implant Placement

    Navigating the sea of choices in breast implant placement? Here’s your compass! There are several elements to ponder over as you make this decision. Your body type is a significant factor. Certain placements may be more suitable for women with slender figures, while others may work better for those with a fuller build. The volume of your existing breast tissue also plays a crucial role. If you have a generous amount of breast tissue, the implant might camouflage better with a subglandular placement. On the contrary, leaner women might benefit more from a submuscular placement.

    How about your lifestyle and level of physical activity? High-intensity workouts, particularly ones involving chest exercises, might influence the choice of implant placement. Your aspiration for the look and feel of your augmented breasts is another vital piece of the puzzle. Do you yearn for a more natural appearance or a more pronounced, ‘augmented’ look?

    And let’s not forget about your personal tolerance for discomfort. Pain thresholds vary greatly among individuals. Submuscular placement may involve a slightly more challenging recovery process. So if you’re someone who would prefer a less painful post-procedure period, you might lean more towards the subglandular method.

    But worry not, you’re not sailing this ship alone. Your plastic surgeon is your trusted guide, ready to discuss each of these factors with you. Their expertise and advice, based on your unique situation and desired outcome, will help you steer towards a decision that truly reflects your aspirations. Together, you’ll chart a course to the perfect breast implant placement for you.

    The Importance of an Experienced Surgeon

    An accomplished and proficient plastic surgeon is the lynchpin to a successful breast augmentation journey, regardless of the implant placement you opt for. Their deep understanding of the intricate layers of the human anatomy and expertise in the complex world of plastic surgery will be your beacon as you navigate this path. A surgeon who combines skill with a keen aesthetic sense is a significant asset, one who can help you visualize your post-surgery appearance and guide your choices based on that vision. Remember, your journey to breast augmentation is not just medical but highly personal too. Having a surgeon who respects and empathizes with your individual needs, fears, and aspirations is crucial.

    Imagine having a seasoned co-pilot on a challenging flight. They will assess your unique circumstances, take stock of the weather conditions, and ensure a safe and smooth journey. Similarly, a skilled surgeon will tailor the procedure to fit your body type, lifestyle, and personal preferences, ensuring optimal results.

    Also, their guidance doesn’t stop once the surgery is over. An experienced surgeon will be there to steer you through the recovery process, advising on the best practices for healing and managing any discomfort or concerns you might encounter. It’s like having a personal coach who supports you through every step of the journey, from the starting line to the victory lap.

    In essence, your choice of surgeon is as important, if not more, than your choice of implant placement. The right surgeon will not only ensure your safety and satisfaction during the procedure but also boost your confidence in the decision-making process, setting the foundation for a result that enhances not just your physical appearance but your self-esteem and quality of life as well. So, choose wisely. After all, you’re not just picking a doctor; you’re selecting a partner for your personal transformation.

    Contact Beverly Hills Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie to Schedule a Consultation

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    To see more services and treatments provided by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West Hollywood, CA and his team please visit:

    How to Evaluate Your Potential Plastic Surgeon’s Skills

    How to Evaluate Your Potential Plastic Surgeon's Skills | Beverly HillsChoosing a plastic surgeon can be a daunting task. It’s a decision that has long-lasting impacts on your life, which is why it’s important to choose wisely. In this post, we’re going to delve into how to evaluate your potential plastic surgeon’s skills, ensuring you have all the necessary information to make an informed decision. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie performs surgical procedures for patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.

    Check Their Certification and Training

    A critical first step in evaluating your potential plastic surgeon’s skills is verifying their certification. The American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) grants certification to surgeons who have completed extensive training and passed rigorous exams, serving as a badge of credibility and expertise. It’s an assurance that the surgeon has the requisite knowledge and skill to conduct the procedure. If your prospective surgeon is ABPS-certified, you’re off to a good start.

    Going a step further, check if your surgeon is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). This membership is not handed out freely; it requires high levels of education, ethical conduct, and training. An ASPS membership provides an additional assurance that the surgeon adheres to stringent standards in their practice.

    On top of these qualifications, you may want to see if your surgeon has had fellowship training in the area of your interest. This signifies an added layer of specialization, indicating that they’ve spent additional time honing their skills and knowledge in that particular field. For instance, if you’re considering a facelift, a surgeon with a fellowship in facial plastic surgery would likely be well-equipped to meet your needs.

    While credentials are crucial, remember they are just one part of the puzzle in assessing a plastic surgeon’s skills. So, don’t stop there. Dive deeper into your research and ask the right questions to ensure you’re entrusting your transformation journey to capable hands.

    Review Their Surgical Portfolio

    Peeking into a surgeon’s portfolio of before-and-after photos can be a fascinating journey. It’s like flipping through a gallery of successful transformations, showcasing the surgeon’s craft. These photos serve as a tangible testament to their ability, revealing their style and approach to plastic surgery.

    As you peruse these images, keep a keen eye on patients who share physical characteristics with you. Do you admire the work done? Does their ‘after’ photo capture the kind of results you’re envisioning for yourself? Are the transformations natural-looking and harmonious? But remember, while these pictures can be quite revealing, they are not a guarantee. Every individual’s anatomy is unique, and consequently, surgical results can vary.

    If you find a series of pleasing results in the surgeon’s portfolio, it could be a positive indicator of their ability to meet your aesthetic expectations. However, remember that these photos represent the best results, and not every surgery may have such outcomes.

    So, while these pictures are worth a thousand words, don’t let them have the final say. Use them as a guide, but remember to consider other crucial factors in your evaluation. After all, your potential surgeon’s portfolio is just one piece of the larger puzzle that is their skill set.

    Assess Their Consultation Process

    Diving into the consultation process provides a valuable lens to further gauge your potential plastic surgeon’s abilities. Think of this as an interactive interview where you are the interviewer. The surgeon’s office should feel like a comfortable and judgement-free zone where you can freely voice your concerns and articulate the desired outcomes of the procedure.

    A competent surgeon will appreciate the importance of unhurried and detailed discussions. They will patiently listen to your aspirations, lending their professional wisdom to align your expectations with achievable results. They won’t downplay the risks involved or give false assurances, instead, they’ll explain potential complications candidly, ensuring you have a clear-eyed view of the procedure’s realities.

    This process isn’t merely about exchanging information, it’s also about building a rapport. Take note of how they communicate – do they speak in a language you understand, without excessive medical jargon? Are they empathetic, understanding and supportive? Remember, you want a surgeon who is not only adept at their craft but also respects and acknowledges your fears and feelings.

    This consultative session is your opportunity to dig deeper. Take it as an invitation to delve into their surgical philosophy, their approach towards patients, and how they deal with any potential complications. Don’t shy away from probing, ask as many questions as you need to be comfortable. This is your chance to ensure that you’re placing your trust, and your transformation, in the right hands. After all, the best outcomes in plastic surgery are a result of a harmonious blend of technical skills, aesthetic sense and a strong surgeon-patient relationship.

    Evaluate Their Experience in Your Desired Procedure

    In the vast field of plastic surgery, each procedure carries its unique demands, requiring a specific set of skills and a distinct artistic touch. Hence, the breadth of your potential surgeon’s experience in the specific procedure you’re eyeing is critical. Think about it – you wouldn’t want an excellent violinist to play the drums at your concert, would you? Similarly, a surgeon who’s an expert in rhinoplasty might not necessarily bring the same finesse to a breast augmentation.

    Make it a point to uncover their journey in your desired procedure. Engage them in conversations that bring out their history with your particular operation of interest. How many such procedures have they performed? Are they comfortable discussing the outcomes, both successful and less so? A surgeon’s willingness to share their experiences, learnings, and improvements over the years can be a good indicator of their dedication to honing their skills.

    Don’t hold back from seeking clarity about their expertise in your specific procedure. After all, your journey towards beauty is unique, and you deserve a maestro who can bring your vision to life.

    Consider Hospital Privileges

    Diving into the nitty-gritty of hospital privileges is an often overlooked yet vital step in your evaluation process. To be able to perform certain procedures, surgeons must obtain special permissions or “hospital privileges.” These are not given out lightly; hospitals conduct thorough and stringent background checks, scrutinizing a surgeon’s training, experience, and overall track record before bestowing them. In essence, hospital privileges are another seal of approval, certifying that the surgeon has met the rigorous standards set by the medical community.

    But these privileges aren’t just about credibility and trustworthiness. They also play a pivotal role in ensuring your safety. Despite the high safety standards in plastic surgery, emergencies, though rare, can happen. In such scenarios, you’d want to be under the care of a surgeon with hospital privileges, enabling them to provide immediate and comprehensive care within a fully equipped medical facility.

    Interestingly, these privileges aren’t just tied to hospitals. Even if your procedure is slated to be performed in an outpatient clinic, your surgeon should have these permissions at a nearby hospital. So, as you sift through the details, don’t forget to inquire about your potential surgeon’s hospital privileges. Remember, every facet of your surgeon’s credentials and affiliations contributes to a holistic understanding of their skills, fortifying your confidence in their abilities to guide your beauty transformation journey.

    Contact Beverly Hills Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie to Schedule a Consultation

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    Click Here to Schedule a In Office Consultation

    To see more services and treatments provided by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West Hollywood, CA and his team please visit: