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    When Breast Surgery Goes Wrong: Signs You May Need a Revision

    When Breast Surgery Goes Wrong: Signs You May Need a Revision

     Signs You May Need Breast Revision Surgery | Beverly Hills Plastic SurgeryBreast surgery, whether for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes, can have life-changing results for many women. However, sometimes the initial surgery may not go as planned, leaving the patient dissatisfied with their results. This can be a frustrating and emotional experience, but it’s important to know that there are options available. Breast revision surgery is a procedure designed to correct issues or complications that may have occurred from a previous breast surgery. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the signs that may indicate the need for breast revision surgery and how it can help you achieve the results you desire.  Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie performs breast revision surgery on patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.

    Understanding the Basics of Breast Revision Surgery

    Breast revision surgery is a procedure that aims to correct issues or complications that may have arisen from a previous breast surgery. It involves modifying the size, shape, or position of the breasts to achieve the desired outcome. The surgery can also address concerns such as implant rupture, capsular contracture, asymmetry, or dissatisfaction with the initial results.

    During a breast revision surgery, the surgeon may need to remove or replace implants, adjust the placement of existing implants, or perform a breast lift to improve sagging or drooping. The specifics of the procedure will vary depending on each individual’s unique circumstances and goals.

    If you are considering breast revision surgery, it’s essential to consult with an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast surgeries. They will assess your specific situation, listen to your concerns and desired outcomes, and create a customized surgical plan to help you achieve the results you desire. Remember, open and honest communication with your surgeon is key to ensure that your expectations are met and that you feel confident and satisfied with the outcome.

    Common Reasons for Considering Breast Revision Surgery

    After undergoing breast surgery, there are several common reasons why a woman may consider breast revision surgery. One of the main reasons is dissatisfaction with the results of the initial surgery. This could be due to factors such as asymmetry, implant malposition, or dissatisfaction with the size or shape of the breasts. Another reason for considering breast revision surgery is implant rupture or leakage. This can happen over time and may require the removal or replacement of the implants. Additionally, some women may experience complications such as capsular contracture, where the scar tissue around the implant becomes hard and uncomfortable. Whatever the reason may be, breast revision surgery offers the opportunity to address these issues and achieve the desired results.

    Recognizing the Signs That You May Need a Revision Surgery

    While breast surgery can have transformative results, it’s important to be aware of signs that may indicate the need for breast revision surgery. One sign is if you are unhappy with the results of your initial surgery, whether it’s due to asymmetry, implant malposition, or dissatisfaction with the size or shape of your breasts. Other signs include implant rupture or leakage, as well as complications such as capsular contracture. If you experience any discomfort, changes in breast appearance, or are simply unhappy with the outcome, it may be worth considering a breast revision surgery. Consulting with an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon will help determine if this is the right option for you.

    Health Risks and Potential Complications Associated with Breast Revision

    Breast revision surgery, like any surgical procedure, comes with certain health risks and potential complications. It’s important to be aware of these before making the decision to undergo surgery. Some common risks include infection, bleeding, adverse reactions to anesthesia, and poor wound healing. Additionally, there is a risk of scarring, changes in nipple sensation, and potential implant-related complications such as implant rupture or capsular contracture. While these risks exist, it’s important to remember that choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon can significantly reduce the likelihood of complications. They will take all necessary precautions to ensure your safety and provide you with the best possible outcome. Remember to discuss these risks and any concerns you have with your surgeon before proceeding with breast revision surgery.

    How to Choose the Right Surgeon for Your Breast Revision Surgery

    Choosing the right surgeon for your breast revision surgery is a crucial decision that can greatly impact your results and overall experience. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:

    1. Research extensively: Look for board-certified plastic surgeons who specialize in breast surgeries. Read reviews, browse through before and after photos, and consider their experience and qualifications.
    2. Schedule consultations: Meet with multiple surgeons to discuss your concerns, goals, and expectations. Ask about their approach to breast revision surgery, their success rates, and any potential complications or risks.
    3. Ask for referrals: If you know someone who has undergone breast revision surgery, ask for their recommendations. Personal experiences can provide valuable insights into the surgeon’s skills and patient satisfaction.
    4. Trust your instincts: Pay attention to how you feel during your consultations. Trust your gut feeling about the surgeon’s competence, bedside manner, and willingness to listen to your needs.
    5. Open communication: Ensure that the surgeon is open to answering your questions, providing detailed explanations, and addressing any concerns you may have. Clear communication is essential for a successful surgical journey.

    Remember, take your time and don’t rush the decision. The surgeon you choose will play a significant role in helping you achieve the desired results and ensuring your safety throughout the process.

    Contact Beverly Hills Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie to Schedule a Consultation

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    To see more services and treatments provided by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West Hollywood, CA and his team please visit:

    The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Breast Implants

    The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Breast Implants  | Beverly HillsBreast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure that can enhance the shape, size, and overall appearance of your breasts. And with the advancements in technology and surgical techniques, there are now more options than ever when it comes to breast implants. But with so many choices available, how do you know which one is right for you? In this ultimate guide, we’ll walk you through the process of choosing the perfect breast implants for your body, taking into account your desired results, lifestyle, and overall health. So whether you’re considering breast augmentation for the first time or looking to upgrade your current implants, read on to discover everything you need to know to make an informed decision. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie performs breast augmentation on patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.

    Factors to Consider When Choosing Breast Implants

    When it comes to choosing breast implants, there are several factors to consider to ensure you make the right decision for your body. First and foremost, it’s important to determine your desired results. Are you looking for a subtle enhancement or a more dramatic change? Discussing your goals with your surgeon will help you choose the size and shape that will best achieve the look you desire.

    Another important consideration is your lifestyle. If you lead an active lifestyle or participate in sports or physical activities, you may want to choose implants that provide a more natural feel and flexibility. On the other hand, if you prioritize durability and longevity, you might opt for implants that are more resistant to rupture or leakage.

    Your overall health is also a key factor to consider. It’s crucial to discuss any existing medical conditions or medications you take with your surgeon, as these factors can impact your eligibility for certain types of implants.

    By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about which breast implants are best suited for you and achieve the results you desire.

    The Different Types of Breast Implants and Their Pros & Cons

    When it comes to choosing the perfect breast implants for you, it’s important to understand the different types available and their pros and cons. One option is saline implants, which are filled with sterile saltwater. They are known for their natural feel and are easily adjustable in size during surgery. However, they may not provide the most natural appearance, as they can sometimes ripple or feel less natural to the touch.

    Another option is silicone implants, which are filled with a cohesive silicone gel. These implants tend to provide a more natural appearance and feel, and they are less likely to ripple. However, if a silicone implant were to rupture, the gel may stay within the implant pocket or potentially leak into the surrounding tissue, requiring regular monitoring.

    There are also gummy bear implants, which are filled with a more cohesive silicone gel that holds its shape well. These implants can provide a more predictable and natural look, but they may require a longer incision due to their form-stable nature.

    Each type of implant has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it’s important to discuss these options with your surgeon to determine which one is best suited for your desired results and lifestyle. By understanding the pros and cons of each type, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and preferences.

    Preparing for the Consultation: Questions to Ask Your Surgeon

    Preparing for your consultation with a plastic surgeon is an essential step in the process of choosing the perfect breast implants for you. This is your opportunity to gather all the necessary information and address any concerns you may have. To make the most out of your consultation, it’s important to come prepared with a list of questions to ask your surgeon.

    Start by asking about their experience and expertise in performing breast augmentation surgeries. Find out how many procedures they have done and if they specialize in a particular type of implant. This will help you gauge their level of skill and confidence.

    Next, ask about the different types of implants and their suitability for your body. Your surgeon can explain the advantages and disadvantages of each option, helping you make an informed decision based on your goals and lifestyle.

    It’s also important to ask about the potential risks and complications associated with breast augmentation. While it’s a generally safe procedure, understanding the possible complications will help you make an educated decision.

    Ask about the surgical process itself, including the location and size of incisions, the placement of the implants, and the expected recovery time. This will give you a clearer idea of what to expect before, during, and after surgery.

    Finally, don’t forget to ask about the cost of the procedure, including any potential additional fees. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of the financial aspects to avoid any surprises later on.

    By asking these questions during your consultation, you’ll be well-informed and better equipped to make the right decision for your breast augmentation journey. Remember, your surgeon is there to guide and support you throughout the process, so don’t hesitate to ask anything that’s on your mind.

    How to Set Realistic Expectations for Your Breast Implant Surgery

    When it comes to breast implant surgery, it’s important to set realistic expectations to ensure you’re satisfied with the results. First and foremost, understand that breast augmentation can enhance the shape and size of your breasts, but it won’t completely change your body’s overall appearance. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of what can and cannot be achieved through surgery.

    Additionally, remember that the recovery process will take time and patience. Swelling and discomfort are normal, and it may take several weeks or even months for your implants to settle into their final position. It’s important to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions and give your body the necessary time to heal.

    Lastly, keep in mind that breast implants are not permanent and may require future revision or replacement. Factors such as weight fluctuations, pregnancy, or the natural aging process can affect the appearance of your implants over time. By setting realistic expectations and understanding the long-term maintenance involved, you can approach your breast implant surgery with confidence and enjoy the best possible results.

    Contact Beverly Hills Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie to Schedule a Consultation

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    To see more services and treatments provided by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West Hollywood, CA and his team please visit: