By Gary Motykie, MD
Every year thousands of people undergo arm lift plastic surgery with successful results. The procedure should be preceded by thorough preparation to ensure a safe and comfortable surgery as well as speedy recovery. Dr. Gary Motykie is an experienced cosmetic surgeon providing arm lift to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding communities.
Advance Preparation
At the time of pre-op consultation, the surgeon will provide detailed instructions regarding preparation for the arm lift procedure. The following key points will normally be a part of the advance preparation:
- Quit smoking at least a few weeks prior to the surgery to reduce the risk of complications.
- Avoid using aspirin, certain anti-inflammatory medications, vitamins and herbals that may increase the risk of bleeding.
- Stay hydrated before and after the surgery as far as possible.
- Follow the body weight benchmarks or lifestyle changes that the surgeon may recommend to improve the chances of impressive results.
- Upper arm lift plastic surgery is usually performed as an outpatient procedure. The patient should arrange for someone to drive them home after the procedure and preferably stay overnight for assistance.
Preparation for Recovery
Recovery preparations should also be done in advance to ensure a faster and easier recovery:
- Arrange for several pillows because keeping the arms elevated with pillows and help mitigate swelling and improve comfort.
- Prepare frozen meals in advance and stock refrigerator with fruits and veggies. Foods should have a high content of lean proteins and low sodium content to support better healing.
- Arrange for slip-on shoes and clothes that open in front and are not required to be pulled over the head.
- Apply for leave in advance at the workplace for about one week. If the job involves high physical activity, take time off for two weeks.
- Complete any urgent household or office tasks prior to the surgery to allow for a comfortable and stress-free recovery. Heavy lifting and vigorous activities will not be allowed for a few weeks after the arm lift surgery.
Preparation for the Surgery Day
- Wear loose and comfortable clothes on the day of surgery. Soft tops that open in front and airy sweat pants are preferable.
- Take medications as prescribed by the surgeon to relieve anxiety and feel comfortable during the procedure.
- Avoid wearing accessories, piercings, watch, or jewelry in the arms, hands, and other areas.
Other Preparatory Aspects
- If the surgeon has placed temporary drain tubes under the skin in the treated area, carefully learn how to empty the drain and measure the fluid on a daily basis.
- The arms will most likely be wrapped from the wrist to the armpit in bandages and a compression garment, which should not be removed until the surgeon allows. It will usually be in place for the first 72 hours.
- Visit the surgeon’s office as per the scheduled post-operative appointments.
Experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other neighborhoods and cities in this part of the country.
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