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    Breast Implant Removal After Rupture / Capsular Contracture

    Breast Implant Removal After Rupture / Capsular ContractureExplantation or breast implant removal cosmetic surgery may sometimes be necessary for medical or personal reasons. Implant rupture and capsular contracture are two of key complications that could necessitate this procedure. In some cases, the woman may have a change of aesthetic preferences, and may want to either remove implants or replace them with new implants of a different quality, size, or shape. 

    Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides breast implant removal surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding communities. 


    Breast implant removal surgery is usually performed with the patient under general anesthesia, but in a few cases local anesthesia and sedation may suffice (if the deflated saline implants have to be removed). Following anesthesia, the surgeon will create new incisions along the original incision site to minimize scarring. 

    If the original incision site is inappropriate, the surgeon will choose another discreet location beneath the breast crease or around the areola. Through the incisions, the surgeon will remove the implant, and possibly the capsular tissue along with any silicone leakage debris. Implant removal may be performed using en bloc capsulectomy in certain cases where the implant along with the capsule must be removed together as one unit. 

    Breast lift surgery is usually required along with implant removal because the breast tissue may have sagged or stretched over the years following primary breast augmentation plastic surgery. Breast lift will restore a firmer and more youthful look of the breasts and may also involve repositioning or resizing of the areolas. 


    Benefits of breast implant removal can vary from one patient to another, depending on their reason to have the implants removed, their health history, and other factors. Patients for whom breast implant removal is a medical necessity will usually have significant reasons such as elimination of pain and discomfort, avoiding the risk of breast implant illness, improving self-confidence, or a combination of two or more reasons. 

    Pain relief is a major benefit for some patients, particularly if their heavier and larger implants have been causing neck, back and shoulder pain or discomfort. Capsular contracture could also cause pain and tightness in the breast tissue. These problems will be eliminated once the implants are removed. If the implants are causing a hindrance in mammograms for some women, they may want to have them removed. 

    Personal Decision

    Going ahead with breast implant removal is ultimately the patient’s personal decision. You should evaluate all your options, discuss the risks and benefits with your surgeon, and make an informed choice following a thorough consultation process. 

    For breast implant removal surgery, the key to success lies in choosing the right surgeon who has the necessary skills and experience to perform this procedure in a safe and predictable manner. A board certified plastic surgeon certified by the ABPS could be your best choice. 

    Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for breast implant removal surgery.

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