By Gary Motykie, MD
Dr. Motykie will meet with you during your pre-operative appointment and he will take the time to answer any questions you may have about your surgery as well as to discuss your personal surgical plan in detail. Several different photographic views of your face and ears will be taken during this visit for inclusion in your medical record. These photographs will also be used for reference during actual surgery as well as to show you the difference in your ears before and after surgery.
Your pre-operative examination will include assessment of ears. This assessment is critical in order to plan a surgery that can successfully produce naturally appearing ears that are as symmetrical and proportional as possible. “Safety first” is Dr Motykie’s motto so you will be required to give a thorough medical history, undergo a complete physical examination and obtain certain laboratory tests in order to evaluate your general, overall health prior to any surgery. If you are on a weight-loss plan, it is best to be close to your target weight prior to having your surgery. Some patients ask if it is better to start and exercise and diet program before or after surgery; Dr. Motykie’s answer is always both. If you start your wellness program prior to your surgery your body will be in better health for surgery and if you have already begun a health and wellness program prior to surgery, it will be easier for you to resume that same lifestyle program after surgery.
You will also receive all of your post-operative instructions and prescriptions for medications to be taken during your post-operative course. It is advised that you fill these prescriptions prior to your surgical date and bring them with you on the day of your surgery. In this way you will have all of the medications you need prior to your surgery and any questions and/or concerns you may have can be addressed prior to your actual procedure. Included in these medications are pain medication and antibiotics. You will be instructed to avoid taking drugs containing aspirin, ibuprofen, blood thinning medication, anti-inflammatory drugs and any herbal supplements that are associated with an increased risk of bleeding during surgery. A complete list of medications, vitamins and herbs to avoid prior to your surgery will be given to you at you pre-operative appointment and it can also be downloaded by following this link(Medications to Avoid List).Depending on your health, you may be asked to take certain medications or adjust your current medications. Be prepared to discuss your use of any current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and/or drugs.
If you smoke cigarettes, you absolutely must stop smoking well in advance of surgery. If you are a smoker, plan to quit at least two weeks prior to your surgery and not to resume smoking for at least two weeks after your surgery in order to avoid the increased risks of complications associated with smoking. It is absolutely imperative for smokers to follow these guidelines if they do not want to risk any healing complications after surgery. The nicotine in the cigarette smoke can causes the blood vessels necessary for proper healing to shrink which can lead to healing problems after surgery. It is also important to avoid sunlight exposure before and after your surgery because sunlight exposure can cause permanent darkening of post-operative bruising.
Guidelines on eating and drinking the night prior to surgery as well as everything you need to prepare and/or bring with you the day of surgery will also be explained and given to you in your pre-operative packet (Link to Pre-operative packet). Do not go on a stringent diet before or after surgery, as this can inhibit your ability to heal. If you develop a cold or infection of any kind prior to surgery, let Dr Motykie’s office know as soon as possible because your surgery may need to be postponed for safety reasons. Lastly, the consumption of alcohol prior to surgery can lead to an increased risk of bleeding during your surgery and you are therefore advised to limit your alcohol intake for the week prior to surgery. In addition, alcohol can interfere with your post-operative medications and should therefore be avoided as long as you are taking prescription medications (usually the first week after surgery).
During your recovery period, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and to take care of you for at least the first day or two after your surgery. (You may also need to have someone drive you back and forth for your first few follow-up visits). You will also be given several post-operative visit dates and specific times that you will need to follow-up with Dr Motykie during your recovery process.