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Pectoral Implants

By Gary Motykie, MD

Pectoral Implants

Pectoral muscle augmentation is the surgical insertion of pec implants in the chest area. You would need a skilled surgeon for increasing the depth of the pectoral muscles for making them appear more chiseled and defined after a pectoral implant cosmetic surgery. Pectoral enhancement can bring the desired contour you wish in your chest area by inserting silicone gel implants.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides pectoral implants to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.

Pectoral Implants Surgery Purpose

Pectoral implants plastic surgery can be chosen by different candidates depending on their unique aesthetic goals. The procedure may be recommended as:

Procedure for Pectoral Augmentation Surgery

Pectoral implants cosmetic surgery focuses on the augmentation of the upper chest. This is done right above the breast bone where your pecs are situated. Pectoralis major is a large sized, fan shaped muscle overlapping the tissues present over the heart and a portion of the rib cage. It extends all the way back to the armpit.

Preparation Before the Surgery

You would have your chest area shaved as you enter the surgery room. You would be given a local anesthetic injection at the treatment site. This will ensure the area remains numb for some time. The procedure requires general anesthesia in most cases. You would be asleep during the procedure.

The Surgery Process

The plastic surgeon will make an incision in the treatment area following the anesthesia. This will be done right at the armpit crease where the pectoralis major muscle joins the pectoralis minor muscle. The surgeon will insert an implant made from solid silicone gel through the incision. This will be inserted below the skin tissue between the two pec muscles.

The surgeon will close the incisions using sutures when the implant is properly secured and adjusted in the desired place. The treated area will be wrapped in bandages. The entire procedure doesn’t take more than two hours in the operating room. Most patients tend to return home after the surgery within the same day.

Post-Operative Recovery

You may experience mild swelling, bruising, and inflammation the first few days after the surgery. Your surgeon may place temporary drain tubes in the incision sites for clearing the fluid. Your surgeon may permit you to return to your normal routine within 7 – 10 days after the surgery. However, you would be asked to wear a compression garment for 4 – 6 weeks for faster recovery and healing.

Alternative Options

In some cases, fat grafting to the chest and pectoralis muscle may be performed as an alternate procedure. The surgeon would first perform liposuction at the donor area and inject the purified fat in the pectoral muscles from the sides. This will create chest definition. Patients who are seeking more chiseled chest appearance could consider the fat grafting option.

Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for pec implants surgery.

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