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    What is buccal fat removal?

    What is buccal fat removal?The lower part of the face contains buccal fat pads. When these fat pockets become large, they could create an appearance of “chipmunk” or chubby cheeks.

    During buccal fat removal cosmetic surgery, the surgeon will eliminate the oversized buccal fat pads to create a more proportionate and sculpted facial appearance. The patient will have an enhanced lower face contour along with a more defined cheek hollow.


    Stellar Handiwork

    Patients can expect to achieve a more chiseled facial appearance, higher cheek bones and an overall look that feels as if the patient has lost weight. A skilled surgeon will be able to create subtle thinning of the cheeks, and avoid any unnatural or drastic change in one’s facial appearance.

    Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides buccal fat removal surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding communities.


    Consultation Process

    During the consultation, the surgeon may share images of past patients who have undergone buccal fat pad removal surgery.

    This will help the patient to identify the appropriate look for their facial profile. Based on the patient’s feedback, the surgeon will determine the right surgical technique to perform the fat removal procedure and achieve the desired outcome.

    Patients may also carry their own choice of photos from online sources and publications, which indicate the kind of facial look they may want to have. The surgeon will be able to create a customized surgery plan after taking into account the patient’s goals, the desired images and the key anatomical features of the patient’s face.


    Surgical Procedure

    The buccal fat removal plastic surgery procedure can be completed in about half an hour. Patients should try to choose a surgeon who will perform the procedure at an AAAASF accredited surgical facility, which can ensure their safety, privacy and comfort.

    The surgeon should take adequate precautions against potential risks such as deep vein thrombosis (blood clots). They should provide for anti-embolic stockings as well as compression devices (SCDs) on the patient’s lower extremities during the length of the surgery.

    Buccal fat pad removal surgery may be performed with the patient under general anesthesia. The surgeon will place a tiny incision inside the patient’s mouth opposite to the upper molar teeth on both sides.

    Through the incision, the surgeon will efficiently remove the buccal fat pads from inside of the mouth. This incision will then be closed securely with a single dissolvable suture.

    The surgery involves no external scarring because the procedure is performed inside of the mouth. No bandages would be required after the surgery.


    Post-operative Recovery

    The recovery after a buccal lipectomy will happen quite fast, but the results are likely to be obscured for some time due to swelling and bruising after surgery. But within a week or two after the surgery, the patient will be able to notice the results.

    The face may initially appear slightly “rounder” but this is just a temporary condition due to post-surgical swelling. Buccal lipectomy is largely painless, but the surgeon may prescribe pain relieving drugs for a few days to keep the patient comfortable.

    Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for buccal fat removal surgery.


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    What is buccal fat removal?

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