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    Breast Implants Plastic Surgery – Types of Lifts, Cost, Recovery, & Results

    Breast Implants Plastic Surgery – Types of Lifts, Cost, Recovery, & Results

    Breast implants or breast augmentation is a plastic surgery procedure that involves placement of saline or silicone implants in the breast tissue to create larger and fuller breasts. The procedure is usually performed for cosmetic purposes, but in some cases, it may also be a part of breast reconstruction surgery.

    Breast implant surgery has emerged as one of the most sought after aesthetic procedures in the US today. Leading cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie, who has a board certification in plastic surgery, provides breast implants to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding areas.

    Breast Augmentation Before & After Photo Gallery

    Who is a Good Candidate?

    Breast implant procedure may be recommended for women who seek one or more of the following changes in their breast appearance:

    • Increasing the size of the breasts to make them more proportionate to the rest of the body.
    • Improving the symmetry between the breasts.
    • Making the breasts more voluptuous looking purely for aesthetic reasons.
    • Making up for volume loss in the breasts following a pregnancy, breastfeeding or weight fluctuation.
    • Correcting birth defects in one or both breasts.
    • Reconstructing breasts following a breast injury or mastectomy.

    Customizable Procedure

    Breast implant plastic surgery can be customized in several ways to match with the personal aesthetic needs of the patient. The choices with regard to implant size and type and location of the incision and implant placement will have an impact on the final outcome of the surgery.

    Types of Implants

    Breast implants are available as traditional saline implants or silicone gel implants. Both qualities are approved by the FDA, and chosen widely by the patients. New form stable or gummy bear silicone implants have also been introduced following the FDA’s approval. Implant sizes can range from 120cc to 960cc.

    Placement of Implants

    The cosmetic surgeon may place the implants in front of the pectoral muscle, behind the breast tissue, or underneath the pectoral muscle. The size of incision, the recovery period and risks will be impacted to an extent by the choice of implant placement position.

    Location of Incisions

    Incisions to place the implants may be made along the breast crease, under the arms, or around the areola. In rare cases, the surgeon may also consider a transumbilical incision. Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for breast implant surgery.

    Recovery and Results

    Mild pain and discomfort in the incision areas will be experienced by most patients in the first week. This can be addressed with prescribed medications. The woman can expect to return to her regular routine in about 10 to 14 days. Results will be long lasting and sustainable in most cases, and will establish over several weeks as bruising and swelling disappears.

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    Breast Implants Plastic Surgery – Types of Lifts, Cost, Recovery, & Results

    To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

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