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    Post Operative


    Temporary bruising, swelling and numbness are common the first night after surgery.  You may need to go to the bathroom frequently during the night because of the IV fluids you were given during your surgery. Drink a lot of fluids in order to keep up with this fluid loss. As your body begins to balance itself out, it will rid itself of this extra “water weight and everything will return back to normal. You should leave all of your bandages intact overnight including your Bra and elastic ACE wrap.

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    The next morning following your surgery, you will return to Dr Motykie’s office for your first post-operative visit. You should leave all bandages and dressings intact overnight and until you reach the office the following morning.  Upon arrival to the office you will be escorted to a private examination room where your dressings will be changed and your operative sites will be evaluated. After your examination, you will be placed back into your surgical brassiere and ACE compression wrap and you will be allowed to return back to your home. All of your questions will be answered and you will be given instructions for the following week that will include the following:

    You may feel tired and sore for several days following the surgery.  Your breasts will be swollen and tender. You may also experience a feeling of “tightness” in the chest area. The sensation/feeling in the areolas/nipples may also be diminished the immediate post-operative period and may take several months to return to normal. Specific instructions regarding exercise, bras, compression bandages/garments will also be provided. Strenuous activity, particularly utilizing the chest and arms, will be restricted for the first few weeks after surgery. You will most likely be able to return to work within a few days depending on your job. Patients may shower the next day after surgery with care taken to not soak the sticky tapes over the insertion site. Aerobic and impact cardio exercise should be avoided for one to two weeks post-operatively. Weight lifting should be avoided for 3-4 weeks post-operatively and chest exercise should not begin until 6 weeks post-operatively. The resumption of and amount of physical /athletic activity should be guided by the level of patient discomfort with “pain” being the ultimate guide. Any excessive inflammation can lead to an increased risk of scar tissue formation and eventual capsular contracture that can be fraught with numerous chronic problems.

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    The results of your surgery will typically be obscured by swelling and bruising at one week after surgery. In fact, you may even notice during the first week or two after your surgery that your breast appear slightly “too large”. Do not be alarmed, this is completely normal and is due to swelling from the surgery. If the breasts were the perfect size immediately after surgery, they would most likely end up being too small after the swelling resolves.  Some people can return to work after a few days and some after one week. Most patients can drive their vehicles within a few days after surgery, but plan on having someone drive you to your first few post-operative visits anyway. In regards to an exercise program, use common sense and use pain as your guide; if it hurts, simply don’t do it!  The majority of patients are allowed to return to light, low impact cardiovascular exercise after the first week of recovery.

    During this time period, there may be some moderate pain, but it can typically be treated with your prescription pain medications. You may want to wear an athletic or support bra until the swelling has subsided (Bra information). Heavy lifting or straining should be avoided after surgery because this can cause the breasts to swell and increase pressure. You can typically return to work within a week and to full activity within a few weeks. Sensation in your nipples may be reduced temporarily, but should return to normal or become hypersensitive as your breasts heal.


    If you are still feeling a bit tired during this time don’t worry because it will take you a few weeks or months to feel completely like yourself again. Depending on the amount of physical exertion required to perform your expected duties, you should already be back into your normal rhythm at work. Exercise and workout routines may begin at this point in your recovery process with pain as your ultimate guide. Any activity that causes discomfort and/or pain needs to be avoided until further along in your recovery process. When you return to the activity, start at half speed and increase to your normal routine as long as you do not feel any pain during and/or the day after your workout.  Although exercising will not adversely affect your end result, it may temporarily cause more swelling immediately after the exercise that will subside over the next few hours. The majority of my breast augmentation patients are back to their regular workout routine within a couple of 4-6 weeks after their surgery.

    During this period, sensory changes of the nipples and breast are normal and only temporary. Typically, normal sensitivity will return slowly over time. Lastly, as sensation begins to return some patients experience a hypersentivity in the nipples and/or areolas. This is also completely normal and temporary, and is a sign that normal sensation is beginning to return to the breasts. Over the next several months many of the benefits of your breast augmentation surgery will begin to materialize and you will begin to enjoy the transformation you have received form your breast surgery.

    • Surgical Bra: At this point in time you are no longer required to be wearing any surgical compression garment. However, many patients choose to continue some sort of light compression clothing during this time period including spanks or similar spandex type clothing.
    • Breast Massage Routine: You breast massage routine should be continued for at least the first few months post-operatively. Massaging your breast hastens the healing process and it will help to keep them as soft and natural as possible.
    • Healing Process: There are some procedures/ treatment modalities available that can support and/or may accelerate your healing process such as Endermologie, Ultrasound and/or Radiofrequency treatments.
    • Scar Therapy: Although all women are concerned with scarring following a breast lift procedure, the healing process has been accelerated and modified by numerous scar therapies and scar treatment modalities that are now available. These include topical scar creams, silicone sheeting and laser scar treatments.


    All patients vary in their ability and speed to recovery after surgery but most commonly you can expect the final result from surgery to be evident at six months after surgery. During this time period, I recommend continuing your breast massage routine at least until the point in time when the breasts become naturally soft and non-tender. During this time period, it is critical to let your surgeon know about any dental work, colds, fevers, sore throats, injuries, breast pain or other surgeries you may be planning in the first six months post-operatively.    By this point in time, your breasts should be close to their final shape and size and it is therefore the proper time to begin shopping for additional bras and swimwear.

    I inform my patients to be careful after their breast augmentation for at least six months after surgery in order to avoid this complication. Capsular contracture is caused by inflammation inside the breast pocket that can lead to hardening of the breasts, deformity, asymmetry and pain. The best way to avoid developing this complication is to perform your breast massages routinely and avoid anything that could possibly cause inflammation of the breasts and/or your body.

    Lastly, this is the time period when scars typically begin to fade to an inconspicuous mature state. All breast lifting techniques require removal of excess skin which will create scars on the breast. However, most scars fade away to thin lines with time and they are strategically located in areas that are covered by bathing suites and clothing. Most patients find these scars to be very minimal in comparison to the improvement in the shape and size of their new breasts. In addition, there are now numerous way to treat breasts scarring during and after the healing process utilizing scar therapies and laser treatments if necessary.

    To find out more about Breast Augmentation Revision please contact us at 310-246-2355

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    Temporary bruising, swelling and numbness are common the first night after surgery.  You may need to go to the bathroom frequently during the night because of the IV fluids you were given during your surgery. Drink a lot of fluids in order to keep up with this fluid loss. As your body begins to balance itself out, it will rid itself of this extra “water weight and everything will return back to normal. You should leave all of your bandages intact overnight including your Bra and elastic ACE wrap.

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    The next morning following your surgery, you will return to Dr Motykie’s office for your first post-operative visit. You should leave all bandages and dressings intact overnight and until you reach the office the following morning.  Upon arrival to the office you will be escorted to a private examination room where your dressings will be changed and your operative sites will be evaluated. After your examination, you will be placed back into your surgical brassiere and ACE compression wrap and you will be allowed to return back to your home. All of your questions will be answered and you will be given instructions for the following week that will include the following:

    You may feel tired and sore for several days following the surgery.  Your breasts will be swollen and tender. You may also experience a feeling of “tightness” in the chest area. The sensation/feeling in the areolas/nipples may also be diminished the immediate post-operative period and may take several months to return to normal. Specific instructions regarding exercise, bras, compression bandages/garments will also be provided. Strenuous activity, particularly utilizing the chest and arms, will be restricted for the first few weeks after surgery. You will most likely be able to return to work within a few days depending on your job. Patients may shower the next day after surgery with care taken to not soak the sticky tapes over the insertion site. Aerobic and impact cardio exercise should be avoided for one to two weeks post-operatively. Weight lifting should be avoided for 3-4 weeks post-operatively and chest exercise should not begin until 6 weeks post-operatively. The resumption of and amount of physical /athletic activity should be guided by the level of patient discomfort with “pain” being the ultimate guide. Any excessive inflammation can lead to an increased risk of scar tissue formation and eventual capsular contracture that can be fraught with numerous chronic problems.


    The results of your surgery will typically be obscured by swelling and bruising at one week after surgery. In fact, you may even notice during the first week or two after your surgery that your breast appear slightly “too large”. Do not be alarmed, this is completely normal and is due to swelling from the surgery. If the breasts were the perfect size immediately after surgery, they would most likely end up being too small after the swelling resolves.  Some people can return to work after a few days and some after one week. Most patients can drive their vehicles within a few days after surgery, but plan on having someone drive you to your first few post-operative visits anyway. In regards to an exercise program, use common sense and use pain as your guide; if it hurts, simply don’t do it!  The majority of patients are allowed to return to light, low impact cardiovascular exercise after the first week of recovery.

    During this time period, there may be some moderate pain, but it can typically be treated with your prescription pain medications. You may want to wear an athletic or support bra until the swelling has subsided (Bra information). Heavy lifting or straining should be avoided after surgery because this can cause the breasts to swell and increase pressure. You can typically return to work within a week and to full activity within a few weeks. Sensation in your nipples may be reduced temporarily, but should return to normal or become hypersensitive as your breasts heal.

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    If you are still feeling a bit tired during this time don’t worry because it will take you a few weeks or months to feel completely like yourself again. Depending on the amount of physical exertion required to perform your expected duties, you should already be back into your normal rhythm at work. Exercise and workout routines may begin at this point in your recovery process with pain as your ultimate guide. Any activity that causes discomfort and/or pain needs to be avoided until further along in your recovery process. When you return to the activity, start at half speed and increase to your normal routine as long as you do not feel any pain during and/or the day after your workout.  Although exercising will not adversely affect your end result, it may temporarily cause more swelling immediately after the exercise that will subside over the next few hours. The majority of my breast augmentation patients are back to their regular workout routine within a couple of 4-6 weeks after their surgery.

    During this period, sensory changes of the nipples and breast are normal and only temporary. Typically, normal sensitivity will return slowly over time. Lastly, as sensation begins to return some patients experience a hypersentivity in the nipples and/or areolas. This is also completely normal and temporary, and is a sign that normal sensation is beginning to return to the breasts. Over the next several months many of the benefits of your breast augmentation surgery will begin to materialize and you will begin to enjoy the transformation you have received form your breast surgery.

    Women who have mild to moderate ptosis (breast sagging) often times as a result of multiple pregnancies and weight loss are ideal candidates for this procedure. There is no more down town than with a regular lift – patients can usually can go back to exercising within 4-6 weeks.

    There is virtually no scaring (no anchor scarring)

    • Surgical Bra: At this point in time you are no longer required to be wearing any surgical compression garment. However, many patients choose to continue some sort of light compression clothing during this time period including spanks or similar spandex type clothing.
    • Breast Massage Routine: You breast massage routine should be continued for at least the first few months post-operatively. Massaging your breast hastens the healing process and it will help to keep them as soft and natural as possible.
    • Healing Process: There are some procedures/ treatment modalities available that can support and/or may accelerate your healing process such as Endermologie, Ultrasound and/or Radiofrequency treatments.


    All patients vary in their ability and speed to recovery after surgery but most commonly you can expect the final result from surgery to be evident at six months after surgery. During this time period, I recommend continuing your breast massage routine at least until the point in time when the breasts become naturally soft and non-tender. During this time period, it is critical to let your surgeon know about any dental work, colds, fevers, sore throats, injuries, breast pain or other surgeries you may be planning in the first six months post-operatively.    By this point in time, your breasts should be close to their final shape and size and it is therefore the proper time to begin shopping for additional bras and swimwear.

    I inform my patients to be careful after their breast augmentation for at least six months after surgery in order to avoid this complication. Capsular contracture is caused by inflammation inside the breast pocket that can lead to hardening of the breasts, deformity, asymmetry and pain. The best way to avoid developing this complication is to perform your breast massages routinely and avoid anything that could possibly cause inflammation of the breasts and/or your body. Lastly, this is the time period when scars typically begin to fade to an inconspicuous mature state.

    To find out more about Breast Asymmetry Correction please contact us at 310-246-2355

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    The next morning following your surgery, you will return to Dr Motykie’s office for your first post-
    operative visit. You should leave all dressings and drains intact overnight and until you reach
    the office the following morning. Upon arrival to the office you will be escorted to a private
    examination room where your dressings will be changed and your operative site and incision will
    be evaluated. After your examination, you will be placed back into your compression garment
    and you will be allowed to return to your recovery retreat or back to your home. All of your
    questions will be answered and you will be given instructions for the following week that will
    include the following:


    Your tummy tuck will result in a flatter, firmer abdominal contour that is more proportionate with
    your body type and weight. The final results may initially be obscured by swelling and your
    inability to stand fully upright until internal healing is complete. Sometime within the first week or
    two after surgery you should begin standing upright and begin moving about your home without

    Some people can return to work after a week, while others take three or four weeks to rest and
    recuperate. Most patients can drive their vehicles within 5-7 days after surgery, but plan on
    having someone drive you to your one week post-operative visit. If you are in good physical
    condition with strong abdominal muscles, recovery from abdominoplasty may be somewhat
    easier and quicker for you.


    If you are still feeling a bit tired during this time don’t worry because it will take you a few
    weeks or months to feel completely like yourself again.Hopefully you allowed a week or two
    of recuperation time before returning to work. Depending on the amount of physical exertion
    required to perform your expected duties, you should be getting back into your normal rhythm
    around this time in your post-operative course. Swelling of the abdomen can last for several
    months and many patients may actually increase in weight over the first month after surgery
    due to swelling and retained “water weight.” Don’t worry, this weight gain and swelling is only
    temporary and it will begin to drop off as the healing process progresses.

    Vigorous exercise and workout routines should be avoided for at least 4-6 weeks after surgery
    or until you are cleared by Dr. Motykie. Pain is your ultimate guide and any activity that is
    causing discomfort and/or pain in your abdomen needs to be avoided until further along
    in your recovery process. During this period, sensory changes of the abdomen are normal
    and temporary. Typically the area from the belly button to the incision will have some loss of
    sensitivity for several weeks following the surgery but normal sensitivity will return slowly over
    time. Lastly, as sensation begins to return some patients experience an “itchy” sensation in the
    abdomen. This itching is completely normal and it is often relieved with an over the counter anti-
    histamine such as Benadryl or Claritin.

    Many women are hesitant to have a tummy tuck because they are worried that it is a “major”
    surgery that has the possibility of scarring after the surgery. There is definitely a trade-off in
    order to get your pre-baby body back, but you also must remember that there are now many
    treatments available to prevent, remove and camouflage scars that were not available many
    years ago. Some currently available modalities that can smooth out and lighten possible scaring
    include steroid injections, intense pulsed light, resurfacing lasers, lightening topical creams, scar
    therapies and silicone sheeting. While the abdominal scar may not completely disappear over
    time, it will continue to fade and improve as it heals and it will often take 3-12 months before the
    scar looks its best.

    Over the next several months many of the benefits of you abdominoplasty will begin to
    materialize. You will notice you abdomen shrinking, your swelling decreasing and your weight
    dropping. Although the good days are increasing in numbers expect some days of tiredness,
    and recuperation as your body continues to heal from surgery. You must keep looking forward
    and realize that over the next several months you will begin to be able to enjoy your new body
    and its dramatic transformation from surgery.


    All patients vary in their ability and speed to recover after surgery. Most commonly patients
    can expect their final result to be evident around six months after surgery. Some patients
    have continued improvement up to one year after surgery. Most importantly, I advise all of
    my patients to plan on committing to lifestyle changes including diet and exercise programs
    after their surgery. Using your abdominal contouring surgery as a springboard to a healthier
    lifestyle will not only improve your results from surgery, it will also improve your overall physical,
    emotional and mental well being.

    To find out more about abdominoplasty please contact us at 310-246-2355

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