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    Body Lift Before and After Pictures

    Body Lift Before and After PicturesBody lift plastic surgery procedure has the potential to dramatically improve the lower or upper body contours. At the time of initial consultation, the surgeon will educate the patient about various aspects of body lift, and may also present body lift before and after photographs.

    The first goal of a responsible surgeon will be to explain the potential effectiveness of the body lift surgery and help the patient make the best decision. Accomplished cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides body lift and other procedures to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.


    What are Body Lift Before and After Photos?

    Before and after photos in case of body lift plastic surgery refer to images belonging to a past patient who has undergone the same surgery successfully. The photos include images taken prior to the surgery and after the surgery at a stage when full healing has occurred and results of body lift are established. The surgeon will take care to ensure that the photos are obtained only with the proper consent of the patient.

    The surgeon will present the photos before new patients in a discreet manner, while keeping the patient’s identity confidential as per the standard protocol. The surgeon’s sole purpose in this exercise is to use these images as a visual aid to show to new patients what a body surgery can or cannot do for them, and help them make an objective decision.

    Now this is going to be mentioned down below but it really cannot be emphasized enough and that is digital technology. This type of technology has made it very easy for anyone to see pictures and these are not like the old Polaroid pictures people used to take, these are high definition pictures that are ubiquitous. You can see these pictures from anywhere you can get online and no one will even know.

    Now you can make a pivotal decision without anyone else knowing. This is between you and your expectations and so on, as it should be. This means that if you do go forward with a body lift you know exactly what you have signed on the dotted line for.



    Body lift is a major procedure that may be performed in upper or lower body areas, or both. While patients want to significant transform their figure, they are also concerned about looking and feeling natural, and meeting their personal aesthetic goals through the surgery.

    Some patients may need only a limited improvement in one or two sites, while others may require body lift in multiple areas in both upper and lower body. In each case, the patient will be in a better position to make decisions when they have access to body lift before and after pictures.


    Keeping Reasonable Expectations

    Patients who have a positive frame of mind, clear aesthetic goals, and reasonable expectations will usually achieve better satisfaction levels from body lift surgery. Therefore, experienced surgeons prefer to provide body lift before and after pictures at the very first appointment, wherever possible.

    This enables the patient to make a more transparent decision, and minimize the risk of any disappointment or misunderstanding occurring at a later stage when it may be too late to reverse the decision. Standout and proven cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for body lift surgery and various other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures.


    Website Photos

    The surgeon has an option to provide body lift before and after pictures on their official practice website in a separate “Photo Gallery” section. New patients can simply access the photos on the site and review them in the comfort and privacy of their home or office. This will only help to create more awareness about the procedure and encourage more people to seek a body lift consultation.

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    Body Lift Before and After Pictures

    To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

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