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    Your Arm Lift Surgery Consultation

    Your Arm Lift Surgery ConsultationConsultation for arm lift plastic surgery will provide the roadmap for how the procedure will be performed, including the surgical technique to be used, the type of anesthesia, the choice of operating venue, the pre- and post-operative care instructions, and the costs, financing, and other practice aspects of the surgery.

    The patient should get pro-actively involved in the consultation process so that the surgeon can customize the surgical plan according to their unique anatomical and cosmetic needs. Consultation will also give an opportunity to the surgeon to educate the patient about arm lift procedure and help them make a well-considered choice.

    Board certified and experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides arm lift to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations across the landscape.


    Determining Candidacy

    During the initial consultation for arm lift plastic surgery, the surgeon will evaluate whether the patient is a suitable candidate for upper arm lift. They will review the patient’s past medical records and examine their current health condition. Both alternative and additional surgical and non-surgical treatment options may be considered at this point, depending on the patient’s unique requirements.


    Information Disclosure

    The patient should be prepared to disclose the following information to the surgeon during the consultation for their own safety:

    • Any underlying medical condition or drug allergies
    • Previous surgeries received in the upper arm or surrounding areas
    • Medications, vitamins and herbal supplements that the patient may be currently taking
    • Current use of tobacco, alcohol and recreation drugs, if any
    • Whether any invasive or non-invasive cosmetic procedures have been received in the past
    • Patient’s personal goals and reasons why they want to undergo arm lift surgery


    Key Steps

    The surgeon may perform the following actions during the arm lift surgery consultation process:

    • Request the patient to view in the mirror and identify the specific sites around the upper arms where they want to see cosmetic improvement
    • Take images of the affected area for health records
    • Assess the pre-existing medical conditions and risk factors
    • Evaluate the degree of skin laxity in upper arms
    • Assess the presence of stubborn fat tissue deposits in the area
    • Explain the treatment options and the most appropriate surgical technique
    • Discuss the potential risks and complications and the likely outcome of arm lift surgery
    • Discuss the type of anesthesia that will be applied
    • Discuss the customized surgical plan


    Other Aspects

    To help the patient develop reasonable expectations, the surgeon may present arm lift before and after pictures during the initial consultation. Testimonials of past patients may also be shown to let the patient understand the procedure from another patient’s perspective. Tips for preparation before the surgery and care instructions for the post-operative recovery period will be provided during the consultation.

    Costs, insurance and financing possibilities will be discussed. The patient will have an opportunity to ask questions and clear all their doubts and concerns during the consultation. Experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for arm lift surgery.

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    Your Arm Lift Surgery Consultation

    To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

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