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    The Difference Between Breast Reconstruction and Revision Surgery

    The Difference Between Breast Reconstruction and Revision SurgeryWhen it comes to breast surgeries, it can be confusing to understand the difference between breast reconstruction and revision surgery. Breast reconstruction is a type of surgery that is usually done to restore the shape, size, and appearance of the breast after mastectomy or injury. On the other hand, breast revision surgery is performed to correct or improve the results of a previous breast augmentation or reconstruction surgery. Both procedures are complex and should only be performed by an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between breast reconstruction and revision surgery. 

     Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides breast revision to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.

    Understanding Breast Reconstruction

    Breast reconstruction is a complex surgical procedure aimed at restoring the shape, size, and appearance of the breast after a mastectomy or injury. It is typically performed by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon who specializes in breast reconstruction. 

    During breast reconstruction, the surgeon uses various techniques to rebuild the breast mound, including implants, tissue expanders, or tissue flaps. The goal is to create a breast that closely resembles the natural breast in terms of shape, size, and contour. 

    The decision to undergo breast reconstruction is deeply personal and can have a significant impact on a woman’s physical and emotional well-being. It can help restore self-confidence and improve body image, allowing women to feel more comfortable and complete after breast cancer treatment or trauma. 

    It’s important to note that breast reconstruction is a highly individualized procedure, and the techniques used may vary depending on each patient’s unique circumstances and goals. Therefore, it is crucial to consult with a skilled plastic surgeon to determine the best approach for your specific needs.

    What is Breast Revision Surgery?

    Breast revision surgery is a procedure that aims to correct or improve the results of a previous breast augmentation or reconstruction surgery. While breast reconstruction focuses on restoring the breast after mastectomy or injury, breast revision surgery is performed to address issues such as implant malposition, implant rupture, asymmetry, or dissatisfaction with the size or shape of the breasts.

    During breast revision surgery, the plastic surgeon may remove or replace breast implants, adjust their position, or perform additional procedures to enhance the aesthetic outcome. The specific techniques used will depend on the individual’s unique circumstances and goals.

    It’s important to note that breast revision surgery is a highly specialized procedure that should only be performed by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon. Consultation with a qualified professional is crucial to determine the best approach and achieve the desired results.

    Reasons for Undergoing Breast Reconstruction

    Breast reconstruction is a deeply personal decision that women make for a variety of reasons. One of the main reasons women choose breast reconstruction is to restore their self-confidence and sense of wholeness after mastectomy or trauma. Losing a breast can be emotionally devastating, and reconstruction surgery can help women feel more comfortable in their own bodies again. 

    Another reason for undergoing breast reconstruction is to improve the symmetry and balance of the breasts. Many women opt for reconstruction to achieve a more natural appearance and restore the proportionality between their breasts. Reconstruction can also help restore a sense of femininity and identity that may have been lost after surgery.

    Ultimately, the reasons for choosing breast reconstruction are unique to each individual. Whether it’s to regain physical appearance, improve self-esteem, or simply feel whole again, breast reconstruction can be a life-changing procedure for many women. It’s important to consult with a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon to discuss your options and determine the best course of action for your specific needs.

    Reasons for Undergoing Breast Revision Surgery

    Breast revision surgery is a common procedure that women choose for various reasons. One reason is to address issues with previous breast augmentation or reconstruction surgeries. Some women may experience implant malposition, implant rupture, or asymmetry that needs correction. Others may simply be dissatisfied with the size or shape of their breasts and desire a change.

    Another reason for undergoing breast revision surgery is changes in personal preference over time. Women may decide they want to go larger or smaller with their breast implants, or they may want to switch from saline to silicone implants, or vice versa.

    Furthermore, changes in the body due to weight loss, pregnancy, or aging can also impact the appearance of the breasts and may prompt a revision surgery to restore or enhance their shape.

    Ultimately, breast revision surgery provides an opportunity for women to refine or improve their previous breast surgeries and achieve the desired results. It’s important to consult with a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon to discuss your concerns and goals for the revision surgery.

    Contact Beverly Hills Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie to Schedule a Consultation

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    To see more services and treatments provided by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West Hollywood, CA and his team please visit:

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