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    Your Breast Reconstruction Consultation

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    The decision to undergo breast reconstruction plastic surgery following a mastectomy can be life-changing. Therefore, the patient should carefully consider various aspects before deciding to go ahead with this procedure.

    The pre-operative consultation is an essential component of the breast reconstruction process as it gives the patient a thorough understanding of the surgery and the numerous stages that it involves over several months.

    The patient will receive detailed information on the surgery during the consultation process. Furthermore, the surgeon develops a customized plan for the patient on the basis of the insights they acquire during the pre-op consultation.

    Experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides breast reconstruction to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations across the horizon.

    Sound Candidates

    A patient may have had a single or double mastectomy resulting in the removal of her breast(s). Such patients may consider a breast reconstruction plastic surgery to recreate the appearance of their breasts. The surgeon will explain the emotional and physical benefits that the patient receives with this procedure. But this surgery is not suitable for every patient.

    The surgeon will determine if the patient is currently free of cancer. They will understand the patient’s smoking habits and whether she is willing to undergo the lengthy process of reconstruction to restore the size and shape of her breast(s).

    The surgeon will also evaluate her medical records to see if she has any health conditions that may pose risks during the procedure. Furthermore, the surgeon will assess the patient’s response to her cancer diagnosis and treatment.

    Developing Expectations

    The surgeon assists the patient in forming reasonable expectations from the procedure by highlighting its benefits and drawbacks. To help the patient develop realistic expectations, the surgeon may show her before and after images of previous breast reconstruction patients. This may also help the patient comprehend that breast reconstruction surgeries vary depending on the patient’s unique anatomy and circumstances.

    Each patient has a distinct experience with cancer. Furthermore, their cosmetic and physical requirements may be different as well. Ideal candidates for breast reconstruction surgery have realistic expectations, precise goals, and a positive mindset regarding the reconstructive procedure.

    Surgical Planning

    According to the patient’s needs, the breast reconstruction procedure can be carried out in several ways. Some patients may choose to undergo mastectomy and breast reconstruction at the same time while others may have to wait for some time after the mastectomy. The surgeon will present various treatment options to the patient depending on her body type, tissue quality, and general health condition.

    The two main techniques for breast reconstruction surgery are implant and flap reconstruction. Each of these two techniques involves different surgical methods. The surgeon will discuss both these techniques with the patient to assist her in making a perspicacious and suitable choice.

    Other Factors

    The surgeon will also discuss all the possible risks involved in the procedure with the patient during the pre-op consultation. They will provide the patient with information on the type of anesthesia to be used, time taken for the surgery, and estimated costs for the procedure.

    Most patients can receive insurance coverage for breast reconstruction surgery under their insurance plans. If the patient’s insurer does not offer full coverage, they can seek information on financing options from the surgeon.

    Accomplished cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other towns and neighborhoods in this region of the state for breast reconstruction.

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