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    Your Arm Lift Surgery Consultation

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    Your Arm Lift Surgery Consultation | Beverly Hills West HollywoodOnce a person has chosen a surgeon for arm lift, the next step will be to schedule a consultation with the surgeon. Consultation will form a vital component of the entire process and lay the foundation for a successful plastic surgery. The patient should actively engage with the surgeon during the consultation, and freely ask questions to address their doubts and concerns.

    The surgeon will make use of the consultation opportunity to determine whether an arm lift is an appropriate procedure for the patient or it may have to be combined or replaced with another surgery. Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding communities have an opportunity to receive arm lift surgery with dedicated cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie.


    Determining Candidacy

    At the time of initial consultation, the surgeon will determine whether the patient is suitable candidate for arm lift. They will review the past medical records of the patient, and examine their current health condition. To save time, the patient should ideally bring a complete list of current medications and supplements that they may be using.

    The patient should be forthcoming about any existing health concerns or specific lifestyle issues such as smoking or drug use. Certain types of medications and tobacco smoke and increase the risk of complications and inhibit healing. The surgeon will be in a position to anticipate the risks and make appropriate recommendations to the patient for preparation and recovery once they have clear information in all relevant areas.


    Surgery Planning

    During the first appointment, the unique plastic surgery plan for the patient will be developed, which will be tailored to meet their specific needs. The surgeon will examine the patient’s natural shape of the arms, overall body type, skin quality and the degree of skin laxity in the arms. The surgeon may also take photographs and observe the arm as the patient moves it.  

    These steps will enable the surgeon to create a customized arm lift procedure. The patient will be encouraged to fully participate in the planning process and provide their inputs on every aspect. The surgeon will ask them to discuss their cosmetic goals and aspirations, and try to incorporate in the surgical plan.

    The patient will learn about the type of arm lift they will receive, the type of anesthesia that will be used, the estimated recovery process and the expected results of the procedure. The surgeon may present arm lift before and after photos to help the patient develop reasonable expectations.

    Testimonials and reviews of the patients who have received arm lift may also be shown to let the patient learn about the procedure from the perspective of another patient. Accomplished cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other cities across the horizon for arm lift surgery.


    Costs, Payment, and Financing

    The patient should feel free to discuss the cost aspects during the initial consultation, and get a clear idea about the estimated costs, including pre- and post-operative expenses. The surgeon or their staff will discuss the payment methods, and may also offer guidance with regard to financing options.

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    Arm Lift Surgery Risks and Safety |Beverly Hills Plastic SurgeryUpper arm lift surgery may be performed using different techniques, depending on the extent of fat tissue and skin removal involved. In any case, arm lift surgery remains the gold standard for arm rejuvenation and is usually performed without involving any significant complications.

    An experienced and prudent surgeon will be able to minimize the risks in arm lift by tailoring the procedure to suit the unique needs of the patient.

    However, certain risks are unavoidable in any surgical procedure. During the pre-operative consultation, the surgeon will discuss these potential risks and complications to help the patient make a well-considered decision. Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations have an opportunity to receive arm lift surgery from experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie.  


    Potential Complications

    Some of the potential problems that are associated with any major surgical procedure, including arm lift surgery include:

    • Poor reaction to anesthesia
    • Seroma or hematoma, which is an accumulation of fluid or blood beneath the skin that may need to be removed
    • Infection and bleeding
    • Extended period of numbness in the incision areas or altered sensation
    • Allergic reaction
    • Unfavorable scarring
    • Damage to underlying structures
    • Unsatisfactory cosmetic outcome, necessitating a revision surgery

    The surgeon will give appropriate post-surgical care instructions and guide the patient about how to look for any signs of abnormality. The patient should seek prompt medical attention or get in touch with the surgeon’s office if they experience any serious or persistent concerns during recovery.


    Risk Reduction

    Patients should be aware that most of the potential complications are infrequent in case of arm lift cosmetic surgery, and severe complications are particularly rare. However, it is still vital to take steps to minimize the risks and diligently follow the advice of the surgeon, both before and after the arm lift procedure.

    To begin with, the patient should select a board certified and experienced plastic surgeon. These surgeons will assess the patient’s medical condition and past health records to identify potential risk factors. A customized surgical plan will be formulated on that basis to minimize risk.

    The patient should be upfront with the surgeon during the initial consultation about disclosing their health issues, lifestyle problems such as smoking, and inform about all the prescription and non-prescription drugs that they may be currently using. They should also be prepared to following the surgeon’s preparatory and post-op guidelines for safety.


    Temporary Side Effects

    Short-term side effects of arm lift surgery commonly include:

    • Mild pain and discomfort
    • Swelling
    • Bruising
    • Bleeding
    • Feeling of tightness in incision areas
    • Numbness or tingling sensation

    These symptoms will usually dissipate in a few days without requiring any specific treatment.


    Mitigating Side Effects

    The surgeon may prescribe pain medications for a few days and advise the patient to take adequate rest. Proper use of compression bandages will also help. Judicious and accomplished cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other cities in this part of The Golden State for arm lift surgery.

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    Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Plastic Surgery Procedure Steps | Beverly HillsBrachioplasty or arm lift plastic surgery is a procedure designed to improve the contours of the upper arms and tighten the loose skin and muscles. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will explain the steps involved the procedure, and address their questions and concerns related to the surgery.

    Brachioplasty is usually completed in about one to two hours, and the procedure steps may slightly vary depending on the type of technique used. Proven and astute cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides brachioplasty to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other neighborhoods across the landscape.


    Anesthesia or Sedation

    Once the patient is ready to be operated for arm lift, the first step will be to administer anesthesia or sedation. Depending on the specific circumstances of the case, the surgeon will choose general anesthesia or local anesthesia with IV sedation. Anesthesia will be administered by an anesthesiologist or a nurse anesthetist, which may remain present throughout the surgery to monitor patient’s response.

    If IV sedation is used, it will induce a ‘twilight sleep’. The patient will be technically conscious, but not properly aware of the procedure and will typically not remember anything once the surgery is over.


    Incision Placement

    Once the patient is under the effect of anesthesia, the surgeon will create markings on the elbows, arms and armpits according to the pre-determined arm lift cosmetic surgery plan. The type of arm lift surgery technique and the extent of surgery to be performed will determine the length, location, and direction of the incision lines.

    The goal of the surgeon will be to keep the incisions discreetly placed so that subsequent scarring is minimally visible. In some cases, the incisions may be entirely concealed within the armpits, or may extend down the inside of the arms in the most discreet locations possible.


    Fat Reduction and Skin Tightening

    Depending on the presence of stubborn fatty tissue in the upper arm area, the surgeon may use liposuction as an adjunct procedure to eliminate excess fat. Tumescent technique may be used to suction out the unwanted fat in a less invasive manner through the incisions.

    Excess skin will then be trimmed away, and the incisions will be brought together to create a smoother and firmer arm contour. Finally, the remaining skin will be smoothly re-draped over the new arm contour. Accomplished cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for arm lift surgery.


    Wound Closure

    Once the arm lift surgery is completed the, the surgeon will carefully close the incisions with an aim to minimize scarring and enable faster healing. The sutures may be placed under the skin, where they will be gradually absorbed by the body.

    The surgeon will then apply a sterile dressing to cover the incisions and place a compression garment. Temporary drain tubes may be placed beneath the skin in the incision areas for a few days.

    The patient will be brought out of anesthesia and moved to an observation area for a few hours. Most patients can return home the same day of the surgery.

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    Preparing for Breast Implant Plastic Surgery | Beverly HillsThe breast surgeon will provide detailed instructions to the patient for preparation of breast implant plastic surgery and closely engage with her during the consultation process. Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other communities in this part of the state have an opportunity to receive breast implant surgery from dedicated cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie.



    Assessment of Cosmetic Goals

    To begin with, the candidate for breast implant surgery should assess why she wants to receive this procedure, and what exactly about the size and shape of her breasts may be bothering her. Once the patient is clear about her goals, she will be able to express her thoughts to the surgeon, and help them create a customized surgery plan appropriate to her needs.

    The patient should know that a procedure such as breast implant plastic surgery is her personal journey, and she should only choose it when she is deeply convinced about her need to enhance breast size. She should not merely seek it under peer pressure or under the influence of another person.


    Online Forums and Websites  

    Once the candidate has made her mind to seek a breast implant consultation, she should preferably check out the official website of the surgeon to gain some familiarity about the surgeon and the surgical procedure. She may consider connecting with other patients through Internet forums and websites to learn from their experiences with this surgery.

    When she has some insights into how other women perceive breast implant surgery and she gains some community support, it will improve her confidence and help her decide whether this surgery is the best option for her. A patient with some advance preparation will be able to have a more productive consultation with the surgeon.  


    Meeting Candidacy Requirements

    At the time of consultation, the breast surgeon will determine whether the patient is fit to undergo breast implant surgery. Therefore, before the consultation, the candidate should make an effort to improve her fitness levels and diet as well as maintain a stable body weight. She should not have any plans for a pregnancy or a weight loss procedure around the time she is planning to have breast implant surgery.

    She should also review as many breast implant ‘before and after’ photos as possible in order to develop reasonable expectations. She can access these images via the Internet or through the surgeon’s office. The patient should ideally prepare a list of questions in advance, which she wants to ask during the consultation.


    Before the Surgery

    Some of the simple preparatory steps to be taken prior to the surgery may include:

    • Stop smoking for a few weeks before the surgery as instructed by the surgeon.
    • Avoid the use of blood thinners, NSAIDs and certain vitamins and herbal supplements for a certain period as advised by the surgeon.
    • If the patient is working, she should apply for at least a week’s leave in advance for a safer recovery at home.
    • Arrange for transportation from the surgery center to home as well as arrange for aftercare for a few days, if required.

    Experienced and judicious cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for breast implant surgery.

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    Your Breast Implant Plastic Surgery Consultation | Beverly HillsInitial consultation creates a solid foundation for the success of any plastic surgery procedure such as breast implant surgery. Breast implant procedures are considered among the more customizable surgeries, which makes the role of a pre-op consultation more valuable.

    The surgeon will closely involve the patient at the pre-operative stage to create a surgical plan that fits the patient’s unique aesthetic needs.

    The patient will also get an opportunity to clear her concerns and doubts about breast implants, and ask pertinent questions before making a final decision. Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other communities across the horizon have an opportunity to receive breast implant surgery from dedicated cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie.


    Determining Candidacy

    During the pre-op consultation, the surgeon will review the past medical records as well as examine the present health condition of the patient. In a few cases, specialized mammograms may also be ordered. The patient’s skin type and amount of skin elasticity in the breast area will be assessed along with an evaluation of the overall breast anatomy.


    Key Decisions

    At the time of initial consultation, important decisions will be made with regard to the selection of the appropriate surgical technique, choice of implant type and size, placement of implants above or below the pectoral muscle, and whether the surgery may be performed independently or in conjunction with breast lift.


    Implant Choice

    The final results in breast implant surgery will be influenced by what type and size of breast implants the patient originally chose. The surgeon will help her in making this choice, and will explain the benefits and limitations of saline as well as silicone implants. Appropriate options in implant size, shape and profile will help to create a natural and proportionate figure.


    Implant Placement

    Breast implants can usually be placed either in front of the pectoral muscle and behind the breast tissue, or below the pectoral muscle. The pros and cons involved in each case will be discussed with the patient in advance so that she can make the best choice in accordance with her personal aesthetic goals and her natural breast anatomy.


    Incision Location

    The incisions in breast implant surgery may be placed along the areola border, or under the breast crease, or in the armpits. In rare cases, the incisions may be placed in the navel area. Experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for breast implants and various other cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries.


    Developing Expectations

    During the initial consultation, the surgeon may present breast implant before and after images before the patient. This will help the patient to develop reasonable expectations and be clear about what the procedure can or cannot do for her. Such patients will typically feel more satisfied with the final outcome of the surgery.


    Instructions for Preparation

    At the time of initial consultation, the surgeon will provide detailed instructions on how to prepare for the breast implant procedure. The patient should be committed to following the instructions to achieve desirable outcomes from the surgery.

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    Breast Implant Plastic Surgery Risks and Safety | Beverly HillsImprovements in surgical techniques over the years have led to the breast implant plastic surgery procedure becoming relatively less invasive. This has also helped to mitigate the risks and complications involved in the procedure. However, some risks remain inherent to breast implant surgery, including some risks which are unique due to the involvement of implants.

    At the time of pre-operative consultation, the surgeon will educate the patient about all aspects of breast implants, including its potential risks and safety. The first concern of a responsible surgeon will be to ensure that the patient is able to make well-considered decision. Experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides breast implant surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other communities across the landscape.


    Implant-related Risks

    Breast implant surgery involves placement of saline or silicone gel implants in the breast tissue. Certain risks arising due to implants may include:


    Capsular Contracture

    The implantation of a foreign body in the breast tissue will trigger the natural defense mechanism of the body. This will lead to the scar tissue formation around the implants. In certain cases, the scar tissue may become excessively hard or may contract, placing the implants under extra pressure.

    The implant will be squeezed due to the tightening of scar tissue, causing it to move from its position, become misshaped, or getting damaged. The patient may also experience pain or discomfort as the breast capsule becomes harder. In these conditions, the surgeon may recommend breast implant revision plastic surgery.


    Implant Rippling

    If the patient has chosen large sized breast implants, but the available breast skin is insufficient to properly cover the implant, it may cause the implant to develop wrinkles or folds. This can lead to a rippling effect on the surface of the breast skin, creating an unsightly breast appearance.

    An experienced surgeon will ensure that the patient chooses an implant size and shape that is appropriate to her breast anatomy and poses minimal risk of implant rippling. Committed cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for breast implants.


    Implant Shifting or Rupture

    In exceptional situations, the implant may move from its original position soon after the breast implant surgery. The risk of implant displacement increases in case of larger implants, but implant rupture risk is inherent to all types of implants.

    If the rupture occurs in saline implants, it will cause quick deflation of the implant and the problem will be identified. But in case of silicone implants, sometimes the rupture may not be noticed without an x-ray. To correct these conditions, the surgeon may recommend breast implant replacement or removal surgery.


    Surgery-related Risks



    Infection risks are unavoidable in any surgical procedure, but they can be minimized by choosing an accredited surgical facility with stringent quality standards.


    Numbness in Nipples

    Numbness, sensitivity and altered sensation in the nipple area may sometimes occur after breast implant surgery. In most cases, the condition will resolve in two to three months.


    Unfavorable Scarring

    This risk can be minimized when the surgeon places incisions in discreet locations around the breasts.

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    To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

    Breast Implant Plastic Surgery Procedure Steps | Beverly HillsBreast implant is a major plastic surgery procedure involving multiple steps. A number of surgical techniques are available today to perform breast implant surgery, but in each case the overall procedure steps usually remain unchanged. The surgeon will tailor the procedure to meet the specific aesthetic needs and goals of the patient.

    At the time of initial consultation, the patient will learn about the different steps involved in breast implant surgery. She will gain more familiarity with the procedure, which is necessary to have more confidence in the surgery. Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other cities in Southern, California have an opportunity to receive breast implant surgery from experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie.



    The first step in the breast implant procedure will be to place the patient under anesthesia. In most cases, the surgeon will use general anesthesia for this procedure. A qualified anesthesiologist or a certified anesthetist nurse will administer anesthesia. Following the procedure, the patient will be brought out of anesthesia.

    For a few hours after anesthesia, the patient may experience mild side effects of anesthesia, such as nausea and grogginess. She should have some to drive her home once the surgeon allows her to leave. Someone should ideally stay with the patient for the first one or two days to assist with household activities.


    Incision Placement

    Once the patient is placed under anesthesia, the incision placement will be done in pre-determined sites. The surgeon may make the incisions under the breast crease, in the underarm, around the areolar border, or in a few cases, around the navel. These sites will successfully hide the subsequent scars to a significant extent.

    At the time of pre-op surgical planning, the decision about the incision location will be taken in consultation with the surgeon. The surgeon will take into account the patient’s unique breast anatomy, the type and size of implants chosen, and her personal cosmetic goals. The surgeon’s goal will be to make the implant plastic surgery less invasive.


    Placement of Breast Implants

    The surgeon will place the breast implants in front of the pectoral muscle behind the breast tissue or below the pectoral muscle. The placement position will be determined after considering the patient’s breast anatomy, the size of the implants, and the amount of breast skin available. The advantages and limitations of each option will be explained to the patient to help her make a well-considered decision.



    Incision Closure

    When the breast implants are placed and adjusted into the desired position, the incisions will be closed with traditional or absorbable sutures. The surgeon will place temporary drainage tubes under the skin in the incision areas. The patient will be required to keep the incision area clean and dry to mitigate the risk of infection.


    Surgical Bra

    The incisions will be initially wrapped in bandages, and then replaced with a special surgical bra. The patient is required to wear this bra at all times for a few weeks. Dedicated cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for

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    Preparing for Rhinoplasty Surgery | Beverly Hills Plastic SurgeryFor a successful rhinoplasty plastic surgery procedure, it is critical to have adequate pre-operative preparation. Patients who are thoroughly prepared for the procedure are likely to achieve better outcomes and faster recovery. Dr. Gary Motykie is a board certified and dependable cosmetic surgeon providing rhinoplasty to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.


    Ahead of the Consultation

    Once the patient has decided to go ahead with rhinoplasty, they can begin their preparation from that moment itself. The following preparation steps can be taken before the patient makes a visit to the surgeon’s office for a consultation:

    • Arrange to send medical records to the surgeon’s office from the primary care physician and specialists. This will allow the surgeon to know about any pre-existing breathing issues, sinus, chronic diseases, or allergies from the records.
    • Get in touch with the insurance provider to find out whether rhinoplasty plastic surgery costs may be covered in specific cases.
    • Arrange and carry along the insurance documents to the surgeon’s office at the time of pre-op consultation.
    • Prepare a list of current prescription and non-prescription drugs, including herbal supplements and vitamins.
    • Go through the website of the surgeon to become familiar with their practice prior to the consultation.
    • Make a note of all the questions, doubts, and concerns that the patient may want the surgeon to address during the consultation.
    • Choose some images from publications or websites that represent the type of nose or face the patient wishes to have.

    The consultation process will become more meaningful with this simple advance preparation, time will be saved, and the focus can move towards getting ready for the procedure.


    Determining Candidacy and Planning the Surgery

    Based on the patient’s medical records, unique aesthetic goals, and their specific nose and facial anatomy, the surgeon will determine the suitability of a candidate for rhinoplasty. A customized surgical plan will be prepared after taking into account the patient’s inputs on various aspects.

    As part of the preparation process, the surgeon will like to patient to form realistic expectations from nose surgery. They will encourage the patient to review as many rhinoplasty before and after images as possible to have a clear understanding of what to expect and what not to expect from the procedure.

    Once the patient has made the final decision about the surgery, the process for insurance or financial loan application may also be initiated well in time. Dedicated cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for nose surgery.


    Before the Surgery

    Prior to the surgery, the patient should arrange for transportation and aftercare. Once the surgery is completed, the patient will need someone responsible to drive them back home. They should preferably also have someone to assist with household chores for the first two to three days. This is not the time to run full blast on the treadmill, play soccer with your kids, cut off a limb from a tree, and so on.

    The surgeon will require the patient to quit smoking for stop certain medications for a few weeks before rhinoplasty. The patient should start taking a balanced diet and increase the intake of lean proteins before the surgery.

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    To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

    The first stage in the rhinoplasty plastic surgery procedure will be a detailed consultation with the surgeon. The consultation process will enable the surgeon to create a customized surgical plan, and will help the patient to learn all about the procedure and related aspects of preparation and precautions. Open communication and trust between the patient and surgeon will help to ensure an effective consultation.

    Dr. Gary Motykie is a well-established cosmetic surgeon providing rhinoplasty and other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. At the time of initial consultation, Dr. Motykie will explain various aspects of the procedure, and enable the patient to make an informed choice. He provides rhinoplasty to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.


    Patient’s Feedback

    At the very outset of the consultation process, the surgeon would need to know why the patient wants to receive nose plastic surgery, and which aspects of their nose are bothering them. The patient will also be required to provide accurate and updated information about their health records and current medical condition. The surgeon can prepare an appropriate surgical plan once the patient shares all the necessary details.


    Patient’s Cosmetic Needs

    The surgeon will encourage the patient to be forthcoming about their intrinsic cosmetic desires and aspirations about their nose and face appearance. One the patient’s aesthetic goals are clearly known to the surgeon, they can try to customize the rhinoplasty surgery plan in a way that those are incorporated to create more effective outcomes.


    Current Health Condition

    The patient will be required to arrange for their medical records to be shared with the rhinoplasty cosmetic surgeon. If the patient is suffering from any existing health condition such as diabetes, heart disease or neurological problems, or if they have any specific known allergies, they should disclose all such information transparently to the surgeon.


    Ongoing Medications

    Before visiting for the rhinoplasty consultation, the patient can prepare a list of all the prescription and non-prescription drugs, including herbal supplements and vitamins to present before the surgeon. If the patient has a history of smoking or a problem of excessive alcohol use, they should be frank about informing accurately on these issues for their own safety.


    Questions to Ask

    The consultation will be an opportunity for the patient to ask as many questions as they want, and clear all their doubts and concerns before making a final decision. The surgeon will answer all the questions with accuracy and in proper details in a patient-friendly language. Experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for rhinoplasty.



    Photos and Testimonials

    Many nose surgeons prefer to present before the patients rhinoplasty before and after images at the time of initial consultation. This allows them to ensure that the patient knows about what the procedure can or cannot do for them, and forms reasonable expectations.

    At the patient’s request, the surgeon may also provide testimonials of past patients who have received nose surgery and shared their experience. Aspects related costs, insurance and financing should also be discussed with the surgeon during the rhinoplasty consultation.


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    Rhinoplasty Risks and Safety | Beverly Hills Plastic SurgerySuccess rate of rhinoplasty plastic surgery is very high, provided the procedure is performed by a board certified and experienced surgeon. However, it will still involve certain potential risks and complications, which should be known to the patient before they decided to go ahead with the surgery.

    The surgeon will discuss the temporary side effects as well as risks and complications that could be associated with rhinoplasty specifically as well as with any surgery in general. The patient should be prepared to follow the surgeon’s instructions carefully for a safe surgery. Astute and committed to his craft cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides rhinoplasty to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.


    Potential Complications

    Rhinoplasty plastic surgery will usually have only a few minor and temporary side effects. However, in rare situations, one or more of the following complications may take place:

    • Infection in the incision area during or after the nose surgery
    • Adverse reaction to general anesthesia or lidocaine
    • Restriction in breathing through the nostrils
    • Chronic nosebleeds
    • Perforated septum
    • Accumulation of fluid below the skin
    • Burst blood vessels
    • Conspicuous scarring in case of open rhinoplasty
    • Asymmetrical nose shape
    • Possibility of a revision procedure

    Dr. Motykie is a board certified and dedicated cosmetic surgeon receiving patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for rhinoplasty and other procedures for the face, body and breast.


    Reducing the Risks

    The single most important factor that will influence the risk profile in rhinoplasty will be the skill and experience of the operating nose surgeon. A board certified plastic surgeon would typically adopt the best practices and standards, pursue continuing training, follow advanced surgical techniques, and use the latest safety protocols to achieve safer and more effective outcomes.

    An experienced surgeon would be in a position to strike a delicate balance between the facial and nose anatomy of the patient and their personal cosmetic needs and expectations. The patient, on their part, should diligently follow the surgeon’s pre- and post-operative instructions. All these efforts, along with the patient’s existing health status, would make an impact on risk profile of rhinoplasty.

    The patient and the surgeon should have a relationship of trust and open communication in order to ensure that no critical information is missing from the patient’s side, which could increase the risk of rhinoplasty. The patient should answer the surgeon’s questions with accuracy and transparency, and have the confidence to share all relevant health and lifestyle related information.


    Scarring Risks

    Nearly every cosmetic surgery procedure will have some risk of scarring. But in case of closed rhinoplasty technique, the incisions are made inside the nostrils, and no scarring is visible from outside. In case of open rhinoplasty, minor scarring will occur in a discreet location as a small incision is made across the columella.


    Risk of Unsatisfactory Aesthetic Outcome

    The aesthetic outcome may be unsatisfactory either due to a surgical error or due to the patient’s unrealistic expectations. The surgeon and patient should have clear communication to minimize the risk of disappointment later on.

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    To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit: