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    Your Beverly Hills Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgeon

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    Beverly Hills Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgeon | Breast ImplantsDr. Gary Motykie is a board certified plastic surgeon offering advanced and innovative plastic surgery procedures, including breast augmentation. Dr. Motykie will carefully evaluate a patient’s health condition, breast anatomy and personal aesthetic goals before recommending breast augmentation.

    He will educate the patient about all aspects of breast augmentation, and help her make informed choices of the type of breast implants, the location of incisions, and the placement position of implants. Experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie provides breast augmentation to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.


    Holistic Approach

    Dr. Motykie believes in adopting a holistic approach to a procedure such as breast augmentation plastic surgery. According to him, the goal should be to create a healthy, attractive, and natural looking figure rather than just increasing the size of breasts.

    Therefore, Dr. Motykie will recommend the appropriate size and type of implants, create discreet incisions, and if required, combine the procedure with other surgical or non-surgical options after finalizing the surgical plan in close consultation with the patient.


    Customized Treatment

    According to Dr. Motykie, breast augmentation is one of the more customizable surgeries. He will tailor the procedure to match the patient’s unique needs. In some cases, he may recommend breast augmentation in conjunction with breast lift to meet the patient’s aesthetic needs.

    He emphatically rejects the one-size-fits-all approach to cosmetic surgery, and treats each patient according to their individual requirements. As a result, Dr. Motykie enjoys high patient satisfaction levels in procedures such as breast augmentation.


    Comfort, Privacy, Safety

    For performing a major procedure such as breast augmentation, Dr. Motykie recommends general anesthesia, and will work only with board certified anesthesiologists. He may give medication to the patient prior to the surgery to keep them relaxed. He is able to complete the entire procedure in about one hour.

    Dr. Motykie will perform breast augmentation procedures only at a fully accredited, AAAASF certified surgical center. He prioritizes the patient’s safety, comfort, and privacy above all else. He will take precautions against blood clotting in every case, and will include a minimum of anti-embolic stockings and sequential compression devices (SCDs) on the lower extremities during the entire length of the surgery.


    ASPS Membership

     Dr. Motykie is an active member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). The ASPS is the world’s largest plastic surgery specialty organization, which represents nearly 95 percent of all board certified plastic surgeons in the United States.

    Each of the board certified plastic surgeons has obtained at least five years of surgical training, including a minimum of two years specifically in the specialty area of plastic surgery. Experienced plastic and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas.


    Media Appearances

    Dr. Motykie has consistently contributed to the field of plastic surgery in several ways. He has earned recognition in the media and has participated in top TV shows, including the E! Channel’s Dr 90210, the Discovery Channel’s Plastic surgery Before & After, his personal appearances on Extreme Dr 90210, celebrity plastic surgery, VH1, MTV, Inside Edition, Extra and Dr. Phil. He has been mentioned in leading publications such as the Los Angeles Times and the Wall Street Journal.


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    SmartGraft Non-Surgical Hair Restoration in Beverly Hills |Medical Spa

    Hair loss is one of the common cosmetic concerns that affects both men and women, and may afflict even younger people. Hair transplant surgery is an established hair restoration procedure, but a lot of patients want less invasive solutions that do not involve plastic surgery. One of the most effective and less invasive alternatives that has emerged in this situation is SmartGraft technology for hair restoration.

    Dr. Gary Motykie provides SmartGraft hair restoration to suitable candidates who want to avoid traditional hair transplant techniques. Dr. Motykie strives to provide the latest, cutting edge cosmetic procedures to his patients that can address their problems in a safer, simpler, and more sustainable manner.

    He believes SmartGraft is one such technique that serves as a good alternative to hair transplant surgery. Experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie provides SmartGraft to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.


    SmartGraft Highlights

    SmartGraft differentiates itself from a range of other hair restoration techniques in a number of ways:

    • SmartGraft technology was developed by pre-eminent scientific professionals
    • The procedure involves no plastic surgery
    • The procedure can be performed in-office
    • Minimal or no discomfort is reported by most patients
    • Minimal downtime is involved
    • New hair growth is thicker and more lustrous
    • Results are permanent


    Natural Looking Outcomes

    SmartGraft technique ensures maximum precision and accuracy, which allows for optimal and natural looking hair restoration results. The provider can extract, count and separate the hair grafts in a gentle, yet precise way with SmartGraft. The chosen grafts are held in an environmentally controlled container for best preservation until implantation. These attributes help to achieve more natural looking outcomes.


    Fully Automated Technique

    SmartGraft, unlike traditional techniques, is an entirely automated hair restoration process. No manual handling is involved in sorting, counting, moistening and storing of the hair grafts. Automation allows the implant procedure to be faster, and the total duration of the procedure is cut down nearly by one-third.

    Apart from offering convenience and efficiency, automation helps to improve the success rate of the procedure. Maximum number of grafts can be preserved and transplanted successfully for permanent hair re-growth results. Experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for SmartGraft.



    As a first step, a small portion of hair at the back of the head will be shaved off in a discreet manner. The provider will then apply a local anesthetic in the target area, and remove grafts from the donor site with the help of a SmartGraft device. The automated process of collection, sorting, counting, and storing of the grafts in a sterile container will follow.

    Once the grafts have been stored, the treatment provider will prepare the recipient area and apply a local anesthetic. Tiny openings will be made in the implant site to place the grafts. The entire procedure of hair transplant will be completed in about five to six hours. The patient can return home the same day.


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    Non-Invasive Chin Fat Reduction | Beverly Hills Plastic SurgeryWhile the popularity of plastic surgery procedures has consistently risen over the years, there has been a surge in demand for non-surgical aesthetic procedures as well. According to the statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgery, injectable procedures such as Botox and facial fillers are among the most popular aesthetic procedures today.

    Allergan, Inc., the company that produces Botox, has now introduced Kybella, an FDA approved injectable procedure to enhance the neckline by dissolving excess fat below the chin. Dr. Gary Motykie is a dedicated cosmetic surgeon providing Kybella injectable treatment to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.


    Choosing the Right Provider

    With Kybella injectable procedure, it is possible to reduce submental fat and significantly improve the neck line without involving plastic surgery. However, Kybella treatment should only be administered by a qualified and trained provider. The provider’s facility should be equipped to deliver the appropriate treatment modality for the patient’s unique circumstances.

    Just as in the case of surgical procedures, it is important in case for non-surgical treatments to choose the right candidates and identify the ones with contraindications. The provider should be in a position to offer comprehensive evaluation and care and treat specific concerns such as enhancement of the neckline using Kybella injections.

    Some experts recommend that a patient should not choose a place where Kybella is the only treatment being offered. The old adage, “If all you have is a hammer, the whole world is a nail” may prove true in some cases where the provider only offers a single treatment option such as Kybella.


    Who should Choose Kybella?

    The FDA has currently approved Kybella injections only for the cosmetic fat reduction under the chin. The candidate should ideally have a fair amount of elasticity in the skin in the submental region. The adipose tissue deposits in the submittal and chin neck angle should be mild to moderate. The candidate should not suffer from a major mandibular jaw aberration or have an extremely steep mandibular plain angle.


    Who should Avoid Kybella?

    Patients with considerable loose skin in the neck region, or a perceptible neck deflation due to weight loss with demarcated platysmal bands should not be administered Kybella injections. In such cases, reduction of fat tissue with Kybella may only worsen the deformity.    

    Patients having a significantly small sized chin with an oblique chin-neck angle and those with a deep underbite should also avoid Kybella injections. Kybella’s active ingredient is deoxycholic acid, which is designed to dissolve fat. But it also creates some inflammation to trigger fresh collagen production and skin retraction.

    Therefore, when the chin neck angle is oblique, the chin is recessive and the skin in the submental area is loose, the results may not be favorable with Kybella. Such patients should instead consider a combination of chin implants and liposuction. Experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie provides Kybella injectable treatment and various other surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas.


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    Rhinoplasty | Nose Reshaping Plastic Surgery | Beverly HillsNose is aesthetically a strategic component of the face. Even a slight alteration to the size, shape, or appearance of the nose can dramatically change the facial look. Therefore, a procedure such as nose reshaping plastic surgery should be performed by a surgeon who can approach it as a combination of science and art in order to produce an attractive nose that is fully functional and in harmony with the other facial features.

    The surgeon should take into account the unique aesthetic needs and aspirations of the patient and balance them against their essential facial structure and anatomy. A trained and experienced surgeon will be able to maintain this subtle balance and address the intricacies of rhinoplasty in a desirable way.

    Dr. Gary Motykie is an experienced cosmetic surgeon with board certification in plastic surgery. Dr. Motykie has been performing rhinoplasty procedure for several years with satisfactory results. He provides rhinoplasty to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.


    Focus on Balance and Proportion

    When a patient is considering rhinoplasty surgery, they will most likely have one or more concerns related to the aesthetic aspects of the nose. The patient may be unhappy with the flat or wide nasal tip, or dislike their current nose profile. The surgeon will pay close attention to the patient’s personal cosmetic goals while performing rhinoplasty plastic surgery, but they will ensure that the desirable nose shape is not achieved at the cost of facial balance and proportion.

    Maintaining a natural harmony among various facial features while meeting the patient’s unique aesthetic goals will be the top concern of the surgeon. This can be ensured when the surgeon follows the principles of both science and art while performing rhinoplasty. For instance, if the patient wants to augment the nose size, the surgeon should take care that it does not make the chin look undermined.

    The pursuit of cosmetic goals should also not come at the cost of functionality. While reshaping the nostrils or reconstructing the nose, the cosmetic surgeon will have to ensure that the procedure does not result in breathing difficulties. A part science, part art approach to rhinoplasty can help to create optimal cosmetic results without compromising function.


    Subtle Enhancements

    Experienced surgeons know that in rhinoplasty, even millimeter of change to the shape or size of the nose holds vital aesthetic value. The overall nose and face aesthetics can be dramatically altered if the surgeon is not careful about approaching the changes in a subtle manner.

    For instance, even a seemingly simple task such as reduction or removal of a dorsal hump should be approached with careful attention to detail. The surgeon should reduce the hump with great caution. An experienced surgeon will shave off just one millimeter of bone at a time and then re-drape the skin to judge facial proportion.

    Similarly, the relationship between the nasal tip, the forehead notch and the new shape of the nose should be reviewed closely. Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas.


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    Liposuction Plastic Surgery Procedure Steps | Beverly Hills | WeHoLiposuction is one of the more customizable plastic surgery procedures, which can be performed independently or in conjunction with other surgeries. Several new technologies and surgical techniques are available today to make liposuction less invasive, but the procedure steps will largely remain common under most options.

    Dr. Gary Motykie is an experienced cosmetic surgeon providing liposuction and various other procedures. During the initial consultation, Dr. Motykie will explain all the steps in the procedure to give a fair idea to the patient about what to expect. He provides liposuction to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.



    Liposuction plastic surgery procedure may be performed using general or local anesthesia. General anesthesia in liposuction is rarely used these days because the surgical techniques are now less invasive and it is possible to avoid general anesthesia. Local anesthesia is usually administered, which may be combined with mild sedation in some cases.

    One of the popular techniques nowadays is tumescent liposuction, which only requires the use of local anesthesia. In any case, the surgeon will recommend the appropriate form of anesthesia according to the amount of fat to be removed and other factors.


    Incision Placement

    Following anesthesia, small incisions will be placed in discreet locations in the specific area from where fat deposits will be removed. The size of the incisions will usually range from a quarter to a third of an inch. While the incisions are minor, these must be placed in precise locations to minimize subsequent scarring and achieve optimal results in a less invasive manner.

    Experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for liposuction and various other procedures of the body, breast, and face.


    Fat Tissue Removal

    To remove the excess fat tissue, a slim vacuum tube called a cannula will be inserted through the incision. As the cannula reaches the deeper fat layers, the surgeon will move it back and forth to manually dislodge the stubborn fat cells. Once the fats are disintegrated, a syringe attached to the other end of the cannula will be used to suction them out.

    Laser, RF, ultrasound, or other heat-based techniques may be applied at this stage to make the fat removal simpler and less invasive. Replacement fluids will be given to the patient through IV during and after liposuction because some amount of blood and bodily fluid loss will occur as fat is removed.


    Wound Closure

    The incisions will be closed once the procedure is completed. The surgeon may use removable or absorbable sutures for this purpose. Drainage tubes may be placed below the skin to collect excess fluid and prevent infection. Sutures and drains may be removed in about one week to 10 days. In case of very small incisions, the surgeon may decide to keep them open in order to minimize bruising and swelling.

    In many cases, liposuction may be combined with other procedures such as tummy tuck, body lift, facelift, or a mommy makeover. The surgeon will discuss these options with the patient while preparing the liposuction surgery plan.


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    Facelift Plastic Surgery Procedure Steps | Beverly Hills | Los Angeles

    A facelift is a time-tested and popular plastic surgery procedure designed to take several years off the patient’s face and restore a youthful facial appearance. At the time of pre-op consultation, the surgeon will discuss various steps involved in the facelift procedure and help the patient make an informed decision.

    Once the patient has a fabulous understand of the facelift surgery procedure, their anxiety levels will lower and they will be better prepared for the surgery. Dr. Gary Motykie is an experienced cosmetic surgeon providing facelift and various other procedures to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.



    As a first step in facelift plastic surgery, the patient will be placed under general or local anesthesia. The surgeon will make the appropriate recommendation for the type of anesthesia after considering various factors. Prior to general anesthesia, the patient’s medical history and current health condition will be carefully evaluated.

    The anesthesiologist may remain present throughout the facelift surgery procedure to monitor the patient’s condition. Local anesthesia with IV sedation may be used in certain cases, particularly where less invasive or partial facelift is to be performed.


    Creating the Incisions

    The procedure will begin with the surgeon creating incisions in discreet locations to keep the potential scars inconspicuous. However, the effectiveness of the surgery will not be compromised due to incision size and location. Incisions above the hairline are commonly used to hide the scars.

    In some cases, the incisions will be located in the natural facial creases to keep the subsequent scars discreet. Incision size may slightly vary according to the surgical technique applied and the extent of skin and fat removal involved.


    Skin and Muscle Tightening

    The cosmetic surgeon will lift the facial skin from the underlying tissue through the incisions. Excess fat pockets will be removed, excess skin will be trimmed away, and underlying weak muscles will be tightened to lift facial contours. Once the procedure is over, the surgeon will re-drape the skin with stitches or staples.

    The incision area will then be wrapped with a bandage. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for facelift surgery.


    Combining with Other Surgeries

    The surgeon may sometimes perform facelift in conjunction with other procedures such as neck lift, neck liposuction, facial liposuction, chin lift, rhinoplasty, or upper face procedures such as forehead lift or an eyelid lift surgery.

    The advantage with combined procedures is that the overall surgery becomes less invasive, more cost-effective, and produces more natural looking and comprehensive results. The procedure will involve additional steps in case of combined surgery, but it can be performed at one time and will subject the patient to anesthesia, surgery, and recovery only once.



    After the completion of facelift surgery, the patient will be moved to a recovery area for observation. The trained medical staff will keep checking the patient’s vital signs and allow them to recover from the immediate effects of the surgery and anesthesia. Most patients will be able to return home the same day of surgery.


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    Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery Steps | Beverly Hills | WeHoMore than five million of breast augmentation plastic surgery procedures have been performed over the last two decades, and it currently ranks as the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the US. A number of steps are involved in the breast augmentation procedure, which will be discussed by the surgeon during the pre-operative consultation.

    The patient should have a reasonable understanding of the procedure and make informed choices. They should also review procedure related photos or videos, if possible. Dr. Gary Motykie is a leading cosmetic surgeon providing breast augmentation to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.



    Breast augmentation plastic surgery is usually performed with the patient under general anesthesia. IV or inhaled sedatives will be used to place the patient under deep sleep until the surgery is completed. After the procedure is over, the patient will be brought out of the anesthesia.

    She will be groggy and tired for a few hours and may experience temporary side effects such as nausea, dizziness, headache, shivering and sore throat. In exceptional cases, the surgeon may use local anesthesia and a conscious sedative to keep the patient awake but relaxed during breast implant procedure.


    Placing the Incisions

    Following anesthesia, the cosmetic surgeon will make an incision either in the breast crease, the armpit, the perimeter of the areola, or the navel. Discreet placement of the incisions is important in order to minimize scarring. The surgeon will discuss about incision placement with the patient during the pre-op consultation when the surgical plan is being finalized.


    Implant Placement

    Breast implants will be placed in the breast pockets created through the incisions. The implants can be positioned in front of the pectoral muscle and directly behind the breast tissue or under the pectoral muscle. The invasiveness of the surgery will vary in both cases, and the surgeon will make an appropriate recommendation based on the patient’s aesthetic preferences and her breast anatomy.


    Closing the Incisions

    Following implant positioning, the surgeon will close the incisions carefully with sutures. Removable or absorbable sutures may be used as per the surgeon’s choice. Traditional sutures will be removed in about one week to 10 days after the surgery. Absorbable sutures will dissolve and disappear on their own.

    The area around the stitches must be kept clean during the recovery phase in order to minimize the risk of infection. The incision site should not be submerged in water as far as possible, and dirt should not come in contact with the area. Vigorous activities and exercises should be avoided initially in order to prevent the pulling of the sutures.


    Drains and Bandages

    The incision area will be wrapped in bandages and drains will be placed below the skin in the incision area following breast augmentation. The patient will be fitted with a surgical bra that will provide support during the first few weeks. Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for breast augmentation and various other surgical and non-surgical procedures.


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    Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Plastic Surgery Steps | Beverly HillsAbdominoplasty or tummy tuck is a body contouring plastic surgery procedure involving several steps. Depending on the type of surgical technique used, some of the steps can vary from one patient to another. At the time of initial consultation, the surgeon will discuss about the steps involved in the tummy tuck procedure.

    Patients with a solid understanding of tummy tuck surgery are usually better prepared to face the surgery and have reduced anxiety levels. Some surgeons may also encourage the patient to view a video of the procedure. Dr. Gary Motykie is an experienced cosmetic surgeon providing tummy tuck to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.



    The surgeon may choose general anesthesia or local anesthesia with IV sedation to perform tummy tuck plastic surgery. The anesthesia may be performed by a qualified anesthesiologist or a registered anesthetist nurse who continue to monitor the patient throughout the procedure.


    Incision Placement

    The procedure will begin with the surgeon placing incisions in discreet locations in the abdominal area. The number and length of incisions will vary according to the technique applied. A major circumferential tummy tuck may involve an incision around the entire waist line, including the back. On the other hand, a partial abdominoplasty may only involve a small incision beneath the navel.


    Navel Repositioning

    Navel reposition may be performed to make the lifted and tightened abdomen appear more natural. The cosmetic surgeon will detach the navel from its original place and reattach it in a more youthful location. In some cases, a new navel may have to be sculpted.


    Tightening of Loose Muscles

    Some patients may have loose underlying abdominal muscles, which can be tightened during tummy tuck surgery. The surgeon will separate the abdominal skin from the abdominal walls through the incisions. The underlying muscles will then be pulled closer together and sutured into a position to give a more toned appearance to the abdomen.


    Removing Excess Skin

    Following muscle tightening, the surgeon will pull and stretch the skin downward to make it tighter and smoother. Excess skin will be trimmed away. Liposuction may be performed at this stage in some cases in order to remove excess fat. Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for tummy tuck.


    Mitigating Stretch Marks

    While removing of stretch marks is not one of the goals in tummy tuck surgery, it is often possible to reduce their appearance, depending on the location of the incisions. If the stretch marks are present beneath the navel, they may get removed along with excess skin. Even other stretch marks can become less conspicuous following tummy tuck surgery.


    Closing the Incisions

    Following the surgery, the surgeon will suture the skin together with surgical stitches. This will ensure natural closure of wounds over time. A surgical drain will be inserted below the skin to collect excess fluids and reduce the risk of infection. Stitches as well as surgical drains may be removed together in about one to two weeks after the surgery.


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    How to Prepare for Liposuction Surgery Consultation | Beverly HillsLiposuction ranks among the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the US today. While the success rates in liposuction are very high, it is no guarantee that every procedure will deliver the best levels of satisfaction. To achieve a high rate of satisfaction, the patient should prepare well for a liposuction consultation and objectively determine their candidacy.

    Dr. Gary Motykie is a leading cosmetic surgeon providing liposuction and various other body contouring surgeries. Dr. Motykie encourages his patients to ask questions during the initial consultation and educates them on all aspects of liposuction. He provides liposuction surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.


    Preparing for Consultation

    With a little effort on preparation, the patient can expect to have a much more informative and useful consultation for liposuction plastic surgery. They should carefully evaluate their personal body contouring needs and aspirations. They should identify specific areas of the body where they feel particularly unhappy about excess fat deposits. All this information must be shared with the surgeon clearly during the first appointment.

    The patient should check their health records to make a note of any serious medical conditions suffered in the past, the date of such illness and the treatment received. If any surgeries were performed in the past, they should be recorded along with the dates. If the patient has been taking any medications or herbal supplements, a list of names and dosages should be noted.

    If the patient has had a history of smoking, drinking or drug use, they should take the surgeon into confidence and share the details frankly. These vital details will help the surgeon to formulate an appropriate liposuction surgery plan and ensure safe and optimal results. Experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas.


    Questions for the Surgeon

    Prior to the first consultation for liposuction, the patient should start preparing a list of questions they would like to ask from the surgeon. Whenever a new question arises in the mind, they should add it to the list. A ready list of questions during the consultation will ensure that nothing important is missed out. An experienced surgeon will normally address all the questions in accurate details to help the patient make a well-informed decision.

    If the patient is concerned about a highly invasive procedure, they should ask for various liposuction options, including laser, ultrasound and radio frequency assisted procedures to make the surgery less invasive. Non-surgical alternatives should also be discussed during the consultation. The patient should also satisfy themselves about the surgeon’s credentials, training and experience and request for patient testimonials and liposuction before and after photos.


    Medical Terms to Know

    The patient should familiarize themselves with common liposuction related terms such as tumescent liposuction, laser liposuction, ultrasound liposuction, local anesthesia and IV sedation, cannula and suction lipectomy. They should review a few fantastic and informative websites, online forums or books to learn about the latest techniques in liposuction surgery.


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    How to Prepare for Your Facelift Surgery Consultation | Beverly HillsThe facelift is a complex plastic surgery procedure that should only be performed by an expert and fully trained surgeon. The patient, on their part, should take the necessary steps to prepare for their facelift surgery consultation. This will ensure that the patient can take the best decision about going ahead with facelift.

    Dr. Gary Motykie is a leading cosmetic surgeon with extensive training and experience in performing facelift and various other procedures. Dr. Motykie provides facelift surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.


    Preparing Details

    Prior to the first consultation for facelift plastic surgery, the patient should carefully assess their personal aesthetic goals and needs. It is important to communicate these needs clearly during the appointment so that the surgeon can make appropriate recommendations and plans. The patient should also note down the details of their past or existing medical conditions, previous surgeries if any, and known drug allergies.

    If the patient has been taking any specific medications, they should list out the names and dosages accurately. The list should also include any vitamin and herbal supplements. The patient should also be forthcoming about any history of tobacco, alcohol, or drug abuse. The surgeon will maintain confidentiality of information, but it is critically important to make the surgeon aware of all such sensitive information.


    Surgeon’s Initial Steps

    During the facelift consultation, the cosmetic surgeon will typically do the following:

    • Assess the patient’s general health condition and any pre-existing medical issues or risk factors
    • Examine and measure the face and neck
    • Explain various facelift surgery options
    • Take photographs
    • Suggest the most plausible surgical and non-surgical options
    • Discuss the expected results
    • Inform the potential risks and complications
    • Discuss the type of anesthesia that may be used

    The patient should actively engage with the surgeon during the first consultation in order to make the best decisions in their own favor. They should not hesitate to ask any questions and clarify all doubts and concerns at the outset. A dedicated surgeon will address all questions at length and to the full satisfaction of the patient. Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas.


    Familiarizing with Medical Terms

    The candidate should ideally familiarize themselves with a few basic medical terms related to facelift surgery. This will make them better equipped to discuss issues during the consultation.

    • Rhytidectomy: Clinical name for facelift surgery.
    • General Anesthesia: Drugs or gases applied prior to a facelift to alter consciousness for a completely painless surgery.
    • Local Anesthesia: Drug injected directly to the incision site to numb the area for total patient comfort.
    • Jowls: A jaw line that sags into the neck, typically due to weak muscle tone in the lower face.
    • Nasolabial Folds: Creases and folds between the nose and cheek.
    • Tear Trough: Hollows below the lower eyelids.

    The patient should ideally prepare a detailed list of questions to ask during the facelift consultation in order to make an informed decision.


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    To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit: