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    Breast augmentation trends

    Breast augmentation trendsCall it the Kardashian effect: Today, everyone wants to talk about butt lifts, injectables, implants, and of course, dermal fillers and Botox. There’s also a lot of discussion surrounding nonsurgical treatments to melt away or freeze off fat. But in an age when posting personal cosmetic treatments has become the norm, why isn’t anyone talking openly about breast augmentation?

    Though doctors are witnessing a rise in patients’ requests for noninvasive aesthetic procedures, breast augmentations are still among the most popular surgical procedures. Over a quarter million breast augmentation surgeries were performed last year, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. That number is up by almost 30% since 2000, so it’s clear that women are still seeking bigger breasts.

    Read more at the American Society of Plastic Surgeons website

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