By Gary Motykie, MD
Brazilian Butt Lift Augmentation Before and After Photos

Brazilian butt lift plastic surgery procedure can be performed using a few different surgical techniques. An experienced cosmetic surgeon will try to educate the patient about various aspects of the procedure during the initial consultation.
This is where Brazilian butt lift before and after pictures can play a useful role. Dr. Gary Motykie provides these pictures to his patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas to help them make an informed decision.
What are Brazilian Butt Lift Before and After Photographs?
Before and after photographs in case of a Brazilian butt lift augmentation cosmetic surgery refer to a pair or group of pictures pertaining to an earlier patient who has undergone the same surgery successfully. The pictures include photos taken before the procedure and after the procedure at a time when initial bruising and swelling has subsided and full effects of the surgery have appeared.
The photographs are taken with the consent of the patient, and show discreetly to new patients. The goal of the plastic surgeon is to educate new patients about the potential effectiveness of the surgery. The photos serve as a visual tool to explain the procedure and help a new patient make an informed choice.
Brazilian butt lift surgery can be performed using different surgical approaches and techniques. Some patients may need more pronounced outcomes, while others may be looking for subtle results. With the availability of butt lift before and after pictures, the cosmetic surgeon is in a better position to discuss various possibilities with the patient.
The patient can also communicate their needs in a better way, and choose the pictures which they find more appealing in terms of desired results. In that sense, Brazilian butt lift before and after photos help improve the objectivity of discussion during the initial consultation. Dr. Motykie ensures that his patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other areas receive access to these photos.
Staying Realistic
Success in any plastic surgery procedure, including Brazilian butt lift augmentation can be achieved in a better way when the patient has a positive frame of mind, clear aesthetic goals, and realistic expectations. Prior to the procedure, some patients may only have a vague idea of how a butt lift surgery can enhance their appearance. If the patient forms unrealistic expectations, it can lead to disappointment in the end, even when the procedure may have been performed very effectively.
To avoid this unpleasant scenario, the surgeon can make use of butt lift before and after photos. When these pictures are used, it mitigates the risk of misunderstanding for everyone involved, and brings more objectivity to the pre-op consultations.
Photos on the Web
Some cosmetic surgeons may choose to provide Brazilian butt lift before and after photos on their practice website. New patients can simply visit the site and review the photos online to learn more about the procedure. Once they are convinced about the potential effectiveness of the surgery as per their needs, they may decide to visit the surgeon’s office for a consultation.
To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit: