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    Facelift Beverly Hills | Los Angeles

    Facelift </br><span class="smh1">Beverly Hills</span>During our lives, the stresses of daily life take their toll on our face. With time, we begin to see the jawline slacken and loose skin and jowls begin to appear in the neck.

    This aging process is due to a combination of sagging skin and deflation of facial fat volume which leads to heaviness of the lower face and a tired, sunken appearance of the upper face. A facelift is specifically designed to reverse these signs of aging by restoring lost facial volume and lifting facial tissues that have begun to descend into the lower face and neck.

    Facelift 101 with Dr. Motykie

    The true art of facelifting is to achieve a youthful and rested appearance while making the responsible surgery completely undetectable. Patients should be cautious of non-plastic surgeons advertising “mini-“ facelifts and neck sling sutures that are intended to produce results that are comparable to traditional facelifts but more often produce unnecessary scars, short-term results and a strangling sensation in the neck. In addition, anything that leads to unnatural pulling of the facial skin or placement of barbed sutures in the face has the potential to lead to an unnatural aesthetic outcome.  Unfortunately, people performing these “mini” procedures may not have received extensive training in the more advanced face lifting procedures and they most likely feel more comfortable with the less productive versions of the more complex lifting techniques that have stood the test of time. On the other hand, the so-called “mini” facelifts may be appropriate in younger patients that do not need comprehensive rejuvenation but the average facelift patients may feel betrayed by the over-advertised “short-scar” lifts if they were promised a maximum result with minimal downtown only to be left with unsatisfactory results and facial scaring. Most of the surgeons performing the lesser techniques tend to be cosmetic surgeons that trained in something other than plastic surgery. Although these surgeons may be board certification in cosmetic surgery, they are not traditionally trained plastic surgeons that are bard certified in plastic surgery. (evolved)

    The main goal of face lifting in Dr Motykie’s hands is to make someone look like a younger, rested more beautiful version of themselves and not like someone completely different. Dr. Motykie has personally designed a facelift called the “volumetric facelift” that make patient’s look like a younger version of themselves without looking strange or unnatural.  Dr. Motykie performs a custom version of the volumetric facelift in every patient depending on each patient’s own desires and needs as well as their own unique type and degree of facial aging. In this technique, the deep support of the face is established first so that the skin can be gently draped over a strong, youthful framework that will hold up over the test of time. Dr Motykie performs a more advanced version of the volumetric facelift that includes multiple layers of skin tightening in patients that have more severe signs of facial aging and a shorter scar, less invasive facelift for younger patients with a milder degree of facial aging and skin laxity. Dr Motykie performs facial fat grafting in combination with almost every facelift he performs because he understands that facial aging is a three dimensional process that includes not only sagging skin but it is also a loss of facial fat volume.  By reversing “facial deflation” rather than simply tightening skin, Dr Motykie prides himself on being able to achieve a youthful, natural appearance of the face as well as beautiful, elegant neck lines. Dr Motykie performs every facelift with precision and care in order to provide every patient with quick and comfortable recovery periods as well as superior long term results.  He understands that most people only want to turn back the hands of time and they do not want any visible signs that may give their “secret” to looking younger away. In fact, patients coming in for a facelift often say “I want to look younger and refreshed” and not “pulled and strange”.  Therefore, an “operated” look must be avoided at all costs and all patients after a facelift should look rested and younger, not plastic and pulled. Most people will ask patients if they lost weight after surgery, but they will not ask if they have had a facelift. The over-pulled or wind-blown look must be avoided at all costs and any modern day evolved facelift should be able to produce elegant results with a low risk of complications or detection.


    AA volumetric facelift addresses the two main signs of facial aging: sagging, loose skin and loss of facial fat volume. This innovative facelift surgery combines the best of all currently available techniques to provide results that are superior to both “mini-facelifts” and older traditional facelifts. The volumetric facelift works optimally for facial rejuvenation because it couples lifting of the deep facial tissues with the replacement of lost facial fat volume to restore underlying youthful architecture and facial shape. In this way, a short recovery time and minimal scarring is combined with the effectiveness and longevity of a more advanced facelift. Whether you are just starting to see a sagging neck and jawline or have more advanced jowling, the volumetric facelift can be customized to meet your specific needs. Dr Motykie individually tailors every aspect of this innovative procedure to create a facelift that takes the best of all the available rejuvenative procedures and merges them into one.

    Dr Motykie believes that the true art of the facelift lies with a plastic surgeon’s vision, ability and talent and the ideal facelift must be custom tailored for each individual patient depending on their own needs and desires. For years, the rage has been so called “minimally-invasive facelifts” including, but not limited to, the Feather Lift, the vector lift, the Threadlift, the Contour Lift, the Lunchtime Lift, the mini lift, the S-lift and the short scar lift. Unfortunately, all of these techniques essentially use the same incisions and same lifting techniques that do not last and need to be revised or redone sooner rather than later. Dr Motykie, unlike some other centers, steers away from these gimmicky “cosmetic procedures” and concentrates more on customizing a facial rejuvenation plan that best suit your goals.  Dr Motykie urges you to understand that modern day facelifts need to address more than just pulling the skin of the face. They need to be multi-layered, multi-vectored reliable procedures that produce natural, beautiful results.  In addition, modern day facelifting needs to incorporate replacement of facial fat volume that is lost throughout the natural aging process.  The goal of the fat grafting is to restore a youthful contour, shape and fullness to the face as well as provide the building blocks for continued rejuvenation at the cellular level. These building blocks are known as stem cells and they are present in large quantities inside the fat grafting material.  These cells have nature’s built in regenerative capacity and they are the few unique cells that have the potential to morph into any other cell type in the human body in order to repair and rejuvenate damaged tissue. The regenerative power of the stem cells can be utilized whether they are harvested alone or with transplanted fat. The stem cells can also help adipose tissue survive and grow into the tissue needed to restore facial fat volume and create a more youthful, natural and rested appearance. The grafted fat cells can also help to improve the quality and texture of the overlying skin as well as create a soft, natural look that is not “overdone” or “plastic”. Lastly, because the grafted cells are living tissue and not artificial filler, the may actually help to slow the aging process and reverse the signs of aging as they slowly present themselves over time.

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    Dr Motykie believes the goal of facial rejuvenation is to achieve youthful harmony of all facial structures. Therefore all layers of the face need to be examined and addressed during your surgical consultation. These layers include the muscles, skin and fat of the neck, lower face, mid-face and brow. Creating facial harmony also means balancing all of the facial features in order to achieve a well-rested, natural appearance after surgery. During your consultation, Dr Motykie will address your desires from facelift surgery and he will give you a clearer understanding of how the surgery may best be able to meet your own needs and expectations.  Dr Motykie will also give you an opportunity to ask him any question you may have about facelift surgery as well as its possible benefits in your particular case. When going into your consultation, it is wise to come with questions written down and have a general understanding of the overall procedure so you can be prepared to learn as much as possible during your visit with Dr Motykie. Sometime during your consultation Dr Motykie may have you look through a book that contains numerous photographs of different results from facial surgery in order to help you determine what type of look you personally find attractive as well as which facelift technique may best help you to achieve your desired outcome from surgery. You are also encouraged to bring in photographs you may have obtained on your own from magazines or various internet websites which show the desired “look” you would like to achieve from surgery. Dr Motykie has found that looking through these types of photographs as well as reviewing his personal surgery portfolio.  Dr Motykie will also take photographs of your face in order to personally assess your facial features as well as use a state-of-the-art computer imaging system to show you what a volumetric facelift can do for you.

    You should leave your consultation with a preliminary game plan for your surgery.  Cost is always a consideration in elective surgery. At the conclusion of your consultation you will have the opportunity to meet with Dr Motykie’s surgical consultant who will be able to explain to you the possible cost and timing of your breast lift procedure. Cost may include surgeon’s fee, surgical facility costs, anesthesia fees, prescription medications, post-surgery garments, and medical screening tests. Dr Motykie’s consultant will also be able to explain to you all of your possible financing options. Remember, a surgeon’s price for surgery will vary based on their experience, the type of procedure being performed as well as the geographic location of their office. Please do not bargain shop for your plastic surgery but also make sure that you are not overpaying for your procedure by doing your homework, online research and obtaining several opinions from different board certified plastic surgeons before making your final decision about having your own facelift procedure.

    For your own personal and confidential consultation, contact Dr. Motykie’s office today. Dr Motykie will answer all of your questions and together you can determine which procedure best fits your desires and needs. Remember, it is impossible for a surgeon to tell you the best approach for you without first listening to your desires and concerns and then performing a physical examination of your breasts and surrounding tissue. Out of town patients may send photographs in order to have a online consultation performed by Dr Motykie.

    To find out more about facelift surgery please contact us at 310-246-2355 

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