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    Facial Fat Grafting
    Beverly Hills

    Facial Fat Grafting Beverly Hills | Los Angeles

    Facial Fat Grafting </br><span class="smh1">Beverly Hills</span>With aging there is a gradual loss of facial fat volume in the face which can lead to a sunken appearance of the cheeks and a tired, gaunt look underneath the eyes.

    As the face deflates further, nasolabial folds (laugh lines), marionette lines (lines beside the mouth) and bags under the eyes may become more prominent. The way to reverse these signs of aging is not through pulling and lifting of loose skin, but rather through replacing the fat that has been lost during the natural aging process in order to restore a youthful, refreshed appearance to the face.

    The results of facial fat grafting can be quite dramatic as well as being very natural. The goal of facial fat grafting is to reverse the signs of the aging process and restore a youthful shape to the face.  Facial fat grafting (fat transfer or stem cell grafting) is a procedure that uses a patient`s own fat to rejuvenate or augment certain areas of the face. This fat is harvested from a donor site (such as the abdomen, waist, inner thighs or knees) utilizing a small syringe or blunt cannula. The fat is purified in a centrifuge, placed into small syringes and re-injected into predetermined areas of the face. It is imperative to place the fat in a normal anatomic distribution so that the final results are a refreshed and youthful appearance rather than a strange or “over-filled” appearance. One must be careful to seek an experienced fat grafting surgeon in order to prevent an “over-stuffed” or over-plumped” look of the face as well as to achieve results that are long lasting and aesthetically pleasing.

    In the media there has been a lot of recent attention directed towards the use of stem cells in facial rejuvenation so it should also be mentioned that the fat grafting material used by Dr Motykie also inherently contains these natural powerhouses of rejuvenation. Stem cells are the very few, special cells in our bodies that possess the potential to change into any other cell type in order to replace worn out, aging or damaged cells. They are the fountain of youth stored within our own bodies and a large number of stem cells exist in fatty tissue. Stem cells that is extracted from one place on the body and transplanted elsewhere have the ability to survive,  grow and help repair damaged cells. These cells are living, natural tissue that can not only add volume to the face, they can also rejuvenate the skin from the inside out by secreting hormones and stimulate growth which helps repair damaged skin and promote the survival of grafted fat. By harnessing the rejuvenating ability of these cells, a youthful appearance of the face can be naturally returned and the effects of the aging process can be reversed.

    Facial fat grafting can be consistent in achieving results when performed by an experienced, well-trained surgeon using techniques that have proven to be effective. Unfortunately, there is a wide range of techniques, instrumentation and experience among surgeons that are currently perform facial fat grafting.  Because of the tremendous variability in all of these factors, there is also a wide range in fat grafting results between different surgeons. To perform fat grafting successfully and reproducibly a surgeon must be consistent in preoperative planning, appropriate instrumentation and meticulous surgical technique. This procedure entails a very delicate process for harvesting fat in order to preserve the integrity of the fat cells. Ordinary liposuction, laser liposuction and ultrasonic liposuction that disrupts the cell membrane of the fat cell will not produce an adequate amount of living fat cells. The reality is that not every surgeon who performs fat grafting is properly qualified to perform fat grafting procedures. Many are not willing to put in the level of education, training, investment in instrumentation and operative effort required to produce consistent aesthetic results. Secondly, the surgeon who is performing the procedure must have the vision for achieving a youthful appearance based on their own artistic talent, skill and aesthetic sense. In Dr Motykie’s hands, facial fat grafting is an artistic procedure that is safe, adaptable, undetectable and long lasting.


    Fat grafting provides physicians with a safe, long-lasting structural filler for altering facial contours that does not involve any incisions or lifting of the skin itself.  The goal of fat grafting is to use your own stem-cell-rich fat to restore a more youthful facial contour as well as improve your skin quality and decrease pigment irregularities caused by sun exposure and the aging process. Facial fat grafting replaces the need for artificial filler injections and it essentially rejuvenates your face from the inside out in very natural and scarless manner. During your consultation, Dr Motykie will address your desires from fat grafting surgery and he will give you a clearer understanding of how the surgery may best be able to meet your own needs and expectations.  Dr Motykie will also give you an opportunity to ask him any question you may have about fat grafting as well as its possible benefits in your particular case. When going into your consultation, it is wise to come with questions written down and have a general understanding of the overall procedure so you can be prepared to learn as much as possible during your visit with Dr Motykie. The goal of surgery is to make you look younger, healthier and more attractive not over-done or “over-plumped”. Sometime during your consultation Dr Motykie may have you look through books that contain numerous photographs of different results from surgery in order to help you determine what type of look you personally find attractive as well as which technique may best help you to achieve your desired outcome from surgery. You are also encouraged to bring in photographs of celebrities or models you may have obtained on your own from magazines or various internet websites which show the desired “look” you would like to achieve from surgery. Dr Motykie has found that looking through these types of photographs as well as reviewing his personal surgery portfolio gives him a better understanding of what you might personally consider attractive and desirable from surgery.

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    Fat grafting is an extremely versatile plastic surgery modality. Once the fat has been harvested and purified, it can be used to accomplish aesthetic facial reshaping by accentuating the cheekbones, filling in facial defects, plumping the lips, camouflaging dark circles underneath the eyes and improving overall facial contour. Taking into account how people looked when they were younger, Dr. Motykie uses facial fat grafting to restore youthful fullness to the face in a natural and subtle manner and a picture from your past can sometimes provide a blueprint for determining the best areas to inject the fat. However, it is also critical for your surgeon to understand facial aging patterns and facial aesthetics in order to achieve natural, aesthetically pleasing results from surgery. For instance, in addition to being fuller, a youthful face is shaped differently than an older face. A young face is relatively top heavy and an aging face lengthens and narrows with time. Therefore, what looks good on a young face may not necessarily look good on an older one. High cheekbones and cheek hollows may look good on a teenager but it may exacerbate a gaunt or unhealthy look later in life. A blending of these features must be accomplished in order to create a natural and balanced look after facial rejuvenation. In addition, fat cells like to go where they normally live such as the cheeks and midface and the efficacy of their take increases with subsequent injections. There is no question that fat injection works; the real question is how the technique is best performed to provide maximum survival of the fat and the best aesthetic result. It takes an experienced surgeon with artistic talent to achieve consistent and beautiful results from fat grafting, for as many sculptors know, it is far more difficult to reshape by addition than subtraction. In the right hands, fat grafting is a powerful and dependable technique that allows for the creation of a youthful and rested facial appearance.

    You should leave your consultation with a preliminary game plan for your surgery.  Cost is always a consideration in elective surgery. At the conclusion of your consultation you will have the opportunity to meet with Dr Motykie’s surgical consultant who will be able to explain to you the possible cost and timing of your breast lift procedure. Cost may include surgeon’s fee, surgical facility costs, anesthesia fees, prescription medications, post-surgery garments, and medical screening tests. Dr Motykie’s consultant will also be able to explain to you all of your possible financing options. Remember, a surgeon’s price for surgery will vary based on their experience, the type of procedure being performed as well as the geographic location of their office. Please do not bargain shop for your plastic surgery but also make sure that you are not overpaying for your procedure by doing your homework, online research and obtaining several opinions from different board certified plastic surgeons before making your final decision about having your own fat grafting procedure.

    For your own personal and confidential consultation, contact Dr. Motykie’s office today. Dr Motykie will answer all of your questions and together you can determine which procedure best fits your desires and needs. Remember, it is impossible for a surgeon to tell you the best approach for you without first listening to your desires and concerns and then performing a physical examination of your breasts and surrounding tissue. Out of town patients may send photographs in order to have a online consultation performed by Dr Motykie.

    To find out more about facial fat grafting please contact us at 310-246-2355 

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