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    Liposuction For Your Back

    Liposuction For Your BackEven if you follow a regular cardio or strength training at the gym, the truth is that back fat could still be difficult to eliminate.

    This is the fat tissue that gets deposited underneath the bra line for women, detracting from a slim and toned shape from behind.

    Liposuction cosmetic surgery of the back can offer significant visible improvements. But the procedure may be more effective on individuals who have not lost large amounts of weight (so they don’t have loose skin).

    Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides back liposuction to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations.


    Back Fat Types

    The fat tissue in the back can be categorized into a few important areas:

    • Infra-scapular fat (commonly called female flanks): This is located above the waistline and underneath the shoulder blades. These are the unsightly fat deposits that often bulge below the bra strap.
    • Posterior axillary fat: This fat is located around the upper-outer back area, close to the armpit.
    • Posterior waist fat: These fat deposits can be found above and posterior to the buttocks and hips.
    • Lumbo-sacral fat pad: It is seen in midline of the lower back, right above the tailbone.
    • Buffalo hump: This includes fat deposits located in the upper back area, close to the neck.


    Fat in Infra-scapular Back Area

    Infra-scapular back refers to the area on the back right beneath the bra. The fat tissue in this region is in the form of a single subcutaneous layer, but does not have a well-defined deep fat compartment.

    When a woman is wearing a tight bra, this area might bulge out more visibly. Some women may have a genetic predisposition to collect fat in the site of infra-scapular back.

    With obesity becoming increasingly common, the infra-scapular back among many patients may accumulate so much fat tissue that the skin and subcutaneous tissue could bunch-up and form parallel rolls of fat.

    Tumescent liposuction is less invasive body contouring plastic surgery technique to remove this unsightly localized “bra-fat” and provide dramatic aesthetic improvement.


    Surgical Procedure

    During the back liposuction surgery, the surgeon will create a series of minor incisions into the back at specific locations. They will then insert a slender cannula into the incision areas. Through the cannulas, which are attached to a suction pump at the other end, the surgeon will gently remove the excess fat from the back.

    In some cases, the surgeon may use laser or ultrasound energy to heat up and melt the fat, making its removal less traumatic. With heating techniques, some degree of skin tightening may also occur.

    The patient may only require a local or regional anesthetic. Depending on the amount of fat tissue that is removed from the back, the surgery could last for about one to two hours.


    Post-Surgical Care

    Following back liposuction, the incision sites may be covered with absorbent pads, which are held in place with a torso compression garment.

    Back liposuction may not require too much external compression. The torso motion during respiration along with other everyday activities could be enough to improve the condition and promote healing.



    Liposuction for back fat removal is not a weight loss surgery or a skin tightening procedure. The goal is to eliminate excess fat from targeted areas of the back help sculpt and tone it to a desirable shape.

    Patients who have significant loose skin following rapid loss of weight may have to choose a skin tightening procedure along with back liposuction. Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for back liposuction.

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    Liposuction For Your Back

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    Beverly Hills

    Liposuction Beverly Hills | Los Angeles

    Liposuction </br><span class="smh1">Beverly Hills</span>In order to slim and reshape the body, liposuction removes areas of excess fat deposits that are resistant to exercise and diet. Liposuction was invented in Paris France and it was first introduced in the U.S.A in 1982. Since then, liposuction has become the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery procedure worldwide.  Liposuction can safely and effectively remove excess fat deposits of the abdomen, waist, thighs, hips, buttocks, upper arms, back, knees, chest/breasts and neck.  In some cases, liposuction is sometimes performed alone and in other cases it is used in combination with other plastic surgery procedures such as breast reduction, face lifting or a tummy tuck.  Overall, liposuction has become a very popular procedure because the recovery period is short and the results can be quite dramatic.

    Even with a reasonable level of health and fitness, some people still have localized areas of fat deposits or “trouble areas” such as “love handles”, “saddle bags” or “muffin tops.”  These “trouble” areas may be due to genetics, increasing age or hormonal changes rather than a lack of weight control or fitness. Liposuction is most effective in removing these stubborn, localized fat deposits that are not responsive to dieting and exercising alone. Patients often ask if it is better to diet and exercise before or after a liposuction procedure.  My answer is always both! If you begin a proper health and wellness program prior to surgery, you are more likely to return to them after your surgery   Secondly, if you begin practicing good eating habits and effective exercise routines prior to surgery, you will expose the most stubborn trouble areas on your body which are then more effectively targeted for removal during liposuction. The final results from liposuction are greatly enhanced when they are combined with a proper diet and exercise program and often the immediate improvement seen from the liposuction is used as a motivational factor for patients to make healthier lifestyle choices as well as continue losing any remaining weight.

    The fat surrounding our bodies is distributed into two distinct layers, superficial and deep. Overall, the superficial layer of fat is closer to the skin and it is composed of smaller lobules that are encased in multiple fibrous compartments. The deep layer of fat is closer to the muscles and it is composed of larger lobules that are surrounded by a loose framework of connective tissue. The superficial layer of fat is relatively stable in thickness with weight fluctuations whereas the deep layer of fat readily expands with weight gain because it is designed to be able to stretch.  It is the deep layer that creates the bulges and rolls that are seen with significant weight gain. Even though, the fat cells in the deep layer remain constant in number, they can expand and literally get fatter and fatter with weight gain. Therefore, effective and correctly performed liposuction should target the deeper layer of fat that is causing the actual “trouble areas” and not the superficial layer of harmless “good fat” that remains relatively constant in thickness with weight gain. When the deep layer of fat is removed, the results are more aesthetically pleasing as well as more effective since the overall concentration of storage fat cells in the treated areas have been permanently reduced. These areas should now also be less sensitive to weight gain and therefore will no longer be as troublesome with slight weight fluctuations in the future.

    Since liposuction in the proper deep fat layer near the muscles can cause more discomfort in the awake patient, general anesthesia is critical to performing safe and effective liposuction. Unfortunately, surgeons performing pure tumescent (awake) liposuction may tend to stay in the more superficial layer of fat to avoid causing patient discomfort and movement during the procedure. This can have disastrous consequences on the final result from surgery because it can lead to lumps, dents and/or skin rippling/damage (mottling of the skin). These types of complications are very difficult to correct and often require a revision surgery with fat grafting to repair the damage adequately. If the damage is in the skin itself, skin tightening can be attempted with radiofrequency devices, ultrasound machines and/or endermologie.

    Ideal candidates for liposuction are healthy, non-smoking adults with firm, elastic skin and good muscle tone that are within 30% of their ideal weight. Overall, individuals with a positive outlook and specific goals in mind have the best results from body contouring surgery.  Remember, even though liposuction trims the body of unwanted, excess fat, it should never be considered a treatment for obesity or a substitute for a healthy diet and proper exercise program. Overall, I believe the best results from liposuction make patients look healthy and fit and not unnaturally skinny or thin. I always say “Keep the curves and get rid of the bulges.” The only thing left for you to do after liposuction is to maintain a proper diet and exercise program so your new trim body can stay that way for an extended period of time.

    Read More

    Liposuction is a remarkably safe and effective procedure when it is performed in well-trained and experienced hands so when considering liposuction for yourself, finding a quality and experienced plastic surgeon should be your top priority. When selecting the right surgeon for your liposuction procedure, it is important that you research both the procedure and the doctor in order to maximize your chances of success and minimize your chances of a complication. Most importantly, make certain your liposuction surgeon is a board-certified plastic surgeon that employs good technique and judgment so you can get the dramatic results you expect from your surgery.

    In the following pages, Dr. Motykie has provided detailed information on liposuction from the day of your consultation through having the surgery and its long term expectations. Follow the links below to learn as much as you can about liposuction with Dr Motykie.  We hope you find the information helpful and educational. If you decide you may want to have liposuction performed by Dr. Motykie, you can follow the link at the bottom of the page at any time to schedule a consultation with Dr Motykie.

    To find out more about liposuction please contact us at 310-246-2355 

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