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    Cheek Fat Transfer
    Beverly Hills

    Cheek Augmentation With Fat Transfer

    Cheek Fat Transfer </br><span class="smh1">Beverly Hills</span>The cheeks play a surprisingly important role in determining the aesthetics and symmetry of each person’s face, as well as the width of our smiles, and even the shape of our eyes. Because of this, subtle alterations to the shape of the cheeks through cheek augmentation surgery can significantly enhance the appearance of our entire face!

    Cheek augmentation is typically performed for one or more of the following reasons:

    • To define and contour the face
    • To correct pre-existing facial asymmetries, thereby creating a more balanced profile
    • To rejuvenate the face by serving as a countermeasure to the visible signs of facial aging, which tend pull the cheeks downward, and often produce the appearance of hollowed, tired eyes and prominent lines and creases around the mouth

    In order to ensure you achieve the best possible results, your cheek augmentation should be performed by an experienced surgeon, such as Dr. Gary Motykie, who has a perfectionistic eye for detail and an understanding of how to produce subtly nuanced changes that complement your facial features while looking completely natural.

    Procedural Details

    Although cheek augmentation can be performed using facial implants, Dr. Motykie prefers to utilize the fat transfer technique for patients seeking to achieve more subtle, natural-looking changes to their midface region. When performing a cheek augmentation with fat transfer, Dr. Motykie will use a small, sterile cannula to harvest fat from another region of the body (commonly the buttocks, abdomen, or thighs). He will purify and sterilize the fat in a centrifuge before meticulously injecting very small quantities into the cheeks utilizing a micro-syringe that allows him to work with the utmost precision and accuracy.

    By transferring miniscule quantities of fat with each injection, the likelihood that the donor fat will be rejected is significantly reduced, and Dr. Motykie is able to achieve smooth, beautifully natural results. This minimally-invasive technique is performed using local anesthesia, is associated with little discomfort and minimal downtime, and has proven to be an effective and less invasive facial enhancement option for both men and women. This procedure frequently serves as an ideal ancillary procedure and can safely be performed in conjunction with liposuction surgery or additional facial rejuvenation services.

    Contact Motykie Plastic Surgery

    Dr. Gary Motykie is an esteemed, Board Certified plastic surgeon who has spent the past 10 years developing and applying an integrative approach to health, wellness, nutrition, and aesthetic enhancement. This holistic approach has set his practice apart from the multitude of profit-driven cosmetic surgery practices. Dr. Motykie’s treatment philosophy transcends the “skin deep” focus on aesthetics, and is centered upon improving the inner health and physical well-being of his patients while simultaneously refreshing and revitalizing their external appearance.

    If you would like to enhance your facial contours by undergoing a cheek augmentation utilizing the fat transfer technique, or would like additional information about any other facial enhancement procedure, please reference Dr. Motykie’s plastic surgery website ( or contact the Motykie Plastic Surgery office today. Dr. Motykie will provide his expert recommendations as to the appropriate surgical and/or non-surgical treatments necessary to fulfill your cosmetic objectives.